Blockchain Implementation Using Python

Blockchain Implementation Using Python

Saugata Dutta, Kavita Saini
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8367-8.ch006
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This chapter covers an introductory overview of blockchain using Python code. This chapter will give a basic understanding of using Python codes in development of blockchain. The chapter throws light on beginner-level blockchain creation which will help in understanding developing an advance blockchain project using Python codes. This chapter covers basic building blocks which will help in creating various functions and methods to enhance the blockchain in terms of security. This will also help students in creating advanced level of Python program in creating better mining algorithms, better queue management, enhanced and secured transactions, consensus algorithm, wallets, and accounts.
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The motivation for this writing is originally triggered for my passion into network security and data leak prevention. Due to innovation of latest technology and at the same time rise in breach of digital security, there are greater needs for a technology which has high rate of data security, tamper proof and data leak prevention. With a hope to achieve this success, blockchain technology claim to produce a same effect of data security, needless to say that using this technology, data tampering is immutable where the entire information is stored in blocks and hashed. The use of this technology is not restricted only to cryptocurrencies but being used in other industries like logistics, supply chain, healthcare and so on. This chapter discuss an introduction to blockchain using python code. The change in the outlook and market trends due to the usage of this technology which is future proof with high level of data security without the involvement of any central authority.

It is my interest to find out those latest trends in blockchain technology, future developments and a platform to use in various platforms. In reality, the success credit goes to everyone who was involved to make this writing a success.

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