Blockchain and the Stock Market: A Survey of the Literature

Blockchain and the Stock Market: A Survey of the Literature

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1758-7.ch009
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This chapter investigates how blockchain technology is revolutionizing the conventional stock market ecosystem. Blockchain is becoming a disruptive force in many industries, and the financial sector specifically. The stock market has been one area where it has attracted a lot of attention. This study investigates the possible advantages, difficulties, and effects of incorporating blockchain technology into the architecture of the stock market. The chapter starts by giving a comprehensive introduction to blockchain technology, highlighting its safe and decentralized characteristics.
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Blockchain innovation has advanced from its initial application in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to become a flexible and troublesome innovation with the potential to revolutionize different businesses. Innovation has been recognized for its capacity to upgrade security, straightforwardness, and productivity across diverse segments (Agbo et al., 2019; Younas & Wahaibi, 2023). Blockchain innovation can address challenges in businesses such as healthcare, instruction, supply chain, back, and bookkeeping by giving decentralized control, unchanging nature, and information judgment in a conveyed arrangement (Khezr et al., 2019; Xie & Li, 2021; Tan & Moo, 2019; Rozario & Vasarhelyi, 2018). Moreover, the potential of blockchain innovation to convert trade models and make unused troublesome businesses has been recognized, showing its critical effect on the commerce scene (Morkunas et al., 2019; Dirsehan, 2020).

Within the setting of businesses, blockchain innovation has been distinguished as a potential arrangement for upgrading information keenness in healthcare and mechanical IoT applications (Agbo et al., 2019; Seok et al., 2019). Moreover, its effect on supply chains has been highlighted, with the innovation being recognized for its capacity to move forward traceability and security inside supply chain forms (Sultana et al., 2022). Besides, the innovation has been associated with the potential to convert the bookkeeping calling through the planning and review of budgetary reports (Tan & Moo, 2019).

The troublesome potential of blockchain innovation has also been recognized within the setting of reviewing, with the development of blockchain-based savvy contracts as a drive that will alter the way monetary explanation reviews are performed and conveyed (Rozario & Vasarhelyi, 2018). Moreover, the integration of blockchain innovation with review hypothesis has been recognized to progress financial supervision capacities, information security, and robotized inspection (Yi et al., 2023).

Generally, blockchain innovation has been recognized for its potential to bring almost critical changes to different businesses, advertising benefits such as decentralization, consistency, namelessness, and perceptibility In any case, it is critical to note that although the innovation offers various benefits, it presents modern challenges that require encouraging inquire about and advancement to address (Zhang, 2022).

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