Blockchain and the Future of Digital Marketing

Blockchain and the Future of Digital Marketing

Hameed Khan, Kamal Kumar Kushwah
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8081-3.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
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Blockchain is a unique new technology affecting the way facts are stored and shared electronically. Blockchain in digital advertising reflects clarity, security, and access to waft revenue and streamflow. It can promote digital advertising to consumers, which is profitable in spending big money on digital advertising campaigns. As per new technology, consumers can share and improve their statistics simultaneously with advertisers and advertisers. Blockchain technology can be considered to restore data control to statistical owners focused on digital advertising. Today's society has grown into a very digital one where local technology plays a significant role in everyone's lives. Moreover, society is advancing rapidly at an alarming rate with innovation in every corner and other business made online. The authors of the concept chose to find out how blockchain works could affect significant facts in digital advertising. The idea is to select challenging issues and beneficial opportunities when applying blockchain to digital marketing content.
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Blockchain In Digital Marketing

Blockchain is a relatively new technology and is the way information is stored and distributed electronically. Blockchain in digital advertising provides clarity, security, and access to cash flow and data flow (MartechAdvisor, 2019). It can improve digital marketing to consumers, benefit businesses from spending more on digital advertising campaigns. With this new technology, consumers can share and sell their information directly to advertisers and advertisers. Data is driving the market these days. Blockchain technology has the potential to restore data control to data owners targeted at digital advertising. Creates direct data exchange between consumers and products (Debika Sihi, 2020). User recruitment is of high quality, leading to reliability and the use of customer data. Let's take a look at some critical points on how Blockchain can prove profitable in digital advertising.

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