Blessing or Curse?: Challenges Working Mothers Faced Post COVID-19 in Brunei Darussalam

Blessing or Curse?: Challenges Working Mothers Faced Post COVID-19 in Brunei Darussalam

Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8856-7.ch022
(Individual Chapters)
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Mothers have multiple roles. Mothers prepare food, clothe, bathe their kids, clean the house, taking care of their husbands and families. With these, it was already tiring and required proper time management. Working mothers added another responsibility. Some parents would prefer to send their kids to school at an early age. Then COVID-19 hits in 2019 and suddenly everyone is working and studying at home. Is it a blessing to have all the family at home or a curse knowing that another burden will be added to the working mother alone? This chapter investigates how working mothers feel pre and post COVID-19. Thirty-six mothers participated in questionnaires and online pool votes. Results from questionnaires and online polls concluded that most mothers are feeling depressed and stressed during COVID-19, and allowing kindergarten to re-open actually helped working mothers since the burden of educating shifted back to the teacher.
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Background And Research Gap

Brunei has a population of 429, 999 as stated by the department of economic planning and statistic ( The numbers of cases in Brunei were at 22,515, with already about 98 deaths as of 13 Feb 2022 with about 94.1% of the population have completed two shots of the Covid-19 vaccine, 404,629 people, and about 94.9% have completed one Covid-19 vaccine shote, 408,069 people and about 46% population have completed booster vaccine, 197,800 people. The government advises the public to get a booster shot since Omicron has become the dominant virus in Brunei.

There has been speculation on how the second wave started in Brunei Darussalam. Some said it was due to the carelessness of the cleaner in one of the hotels that placed people under quarantine who were found positive; some even speculated that a few numbers people crossed the neighboring countries, i.e., Limbang and Miri, through secret roads for contrabands. The cases were sometimes high and sometimes low. The higher case would involve dormitories for the foreign worker because they were numbers of workers who lived in the same staff house/apartment, therefore, infecting numbers of people.

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