Biometric Authentication Techniques and Its Future

Biometric Authentication Techniques and Its Future

Shanthi Sivakumar
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7724-9.ch006
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The number of users using the internet has drastically increased. Due to the large number of online users, demand has increased in various fields like social networks, knowledge sharing, commerce, etc. to protect the user's private data as well as control access. Unfortunately, the need for security and authentication for individual data also increased. In an attempt to confront the new risks unveiled by the networking revolution over the recent years, we need an efficient means for automatically recognizing the identity of individuals. Biometric authentication provides an improved level of security and paves the way to the future. Further, biometric authentication systems are classified as physiological biometric and behavioral biometric technologies. Further, the author provides ideas on research challenges and the future of authentication systems.
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Literature Review

Zviran and Erlich, 2006 discussed that the computer systems are shielded via user identification and authentication. He discussed about the widely used authentication technique known as knowledge based authentication and popularly called as KBA. It is used to identify the individual user and provide access to the protected material. Ullah et al., 2012; Zviran and Erlich, 2006 according to these authors, KBA is a simple and inexpensive technique and it uses user id, passwords and some challenging questions and it’s easy to memorize. The author Zviran and Erlich, 2006,further discussed about the possession based authentication(PBA).It includes tokens and it is used to identify the user.But this mayn’t be a valid method since there are chances of tokens being stolen by somebody. Flior and Kowalski, 2010 discussed some of the PBA examples such as dongles, key, tokens, memory cards etc.

Obaidat and Sadoun, 1998; Bours and Barghouthi, 2009, they discussed about the accessing of systems by using username and passwords. Davaanaym et al., 2009 provided the mostly used solution by means of username and password. Bours and Barghouthi, 2009, discussed about the fingerprints and iris recognition used in airports. Lamport, 1981 discussed about the password based authentication techniques.

Apampa et al., 2010 discussed that Biometrics is one the rapidly improving technology which is used to provide security in various applications.It depends on the physiological and behavioural characteristics. Gao, 2012; Zviran and Erlich, 2006 discussed various behavioural characteristics which includes mouse movement, voice,, signature, gait, keystroke, pulse etc., Marcialis et al., 2009 discussed about the soft and hard biometrics and characteristics such as voice, clothing colour, height, skin, hair colour, Signature and tattoos are the ones which change rapidly. Khit an et al., 2011 discussed that these soft features can be used to identify but we can’t entirely depend on these features. Gao, 2012 discussed about the hard biometrics such as fingerprints, facial features, palm prints, retinas, vein patterns, iris patterns etc. The advantage is that these are not changeable easily and they can be firmly used for identification.

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