Biomedical Applications of Hybrid Nanomaterials

Biomedical Applications of Hybrid Nanomaterials

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 56
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1261-2.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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The ever-evolving field of nanotechnology has led to groundbreaking advancements in biomedical science, particularly through the development of hybrid nanomaterials. This chapter explores the synthesis, characterization, and diverse biomedical applications of these materials, which combine the advantageous properties of both organic and inorganic constituents for optimized functionality. The text delves into the use of hybrid nanomaterials in areas such as drug delivery, diagnostics, tissue engineering, and biosensors. A key case study demonstrating the wound-healing applications of silver nanoparticle-loaded nanofibrous scaffolds is included. The chapter also addresses the challenges and ethical considerations associated with the clinical translation of these nanomaterials. Therefore, this chapter serves as a comprehensive guide for readers interested in understanding and harnessing the immense potential of hybrid nanomaterials in biomedical applications.
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Nanotechnology, defined as the manipulation of materials at the atomic or molecular scale, has become a cornerstone in multiple scientific disciplines (Deshmukh, Thorat, Shirsat, & Ramanavicius, 2023). The concept of nanotechnology was first introduced by physicist Richard Feynman in his famous 1959 talk, “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” although he did not use the term “nanotechnology” itself. This term was later coined by Norio Taniguchi in 1974 to describe precision engineering at the nanometer scale. The origin of the term “nanoparticles” emerged as scientists and engineers began to recognize and work with materials at the nanoscale, where unique properties distinct from bulk materials were observed. The term gained prominence in scientific literature during the late 20th century as research in the field of nanomaterials expanded, particularly with the advent of advanced microscopy techniques that allowed for the direct observation and manipulation of materials at the atomic and molecular scale. Key references for these developments include Feynman's original lecture and Taniguchi’s 1974 paper on nanotechnology (Lal et al., 2017). In the biomedical sciences, it has emerged as a transformative platform offering unparalleled opportunities. The most striking feature of nanotechnology in this domain is its capability to manipulate biological interactions at both the cellular and molecular levels (Beemkumar et al., 2023). This precision enables advancements in diagnostics, therapeutic interventions, and even preventive medicine (Alghamdi, Fatima, Hussain, Nisar, & Alghamdi, 2023; Paul et al., 2023). Traditional therapies often encounter challenges such as systemic side effects, suboptimal targeting, and limited bioavailability. Nanotechnology addresses these challenges by facilitating targeted drug delivery systems, enhancing diagnostic sensitivity, and developing biocompatible materials for medical applications (Jeyasubramanian, Sakthivel, Thangagiri, & Raja, 2023).

Hybrid nanomaterials, combining the advantageous properties of both organic and inorganic components, have attracted significant attention in recent years. These nanomaterials exhibit a synergy of properties unattainable by either constituent alone (Karri et al., 2023). For instance, the organic component may enhance biocompatibility, while the inorganic component could contribute structural integrity or unique electronic properties (Sanchis-Gual, Coronado-Puchau, Mallah, & Coronado, 2023). This functional versatility enables a wide range of biomedical applications, not limited to targeted drug delivery, biosensing, tissue engineering, and diagnostic imaging (Sharmila, Gowri, Karthikeyan, & Faiyazuddin, 2023). Hybrid nanomaterials allow for the customization of properties to meet specific biomedical needs, thereby facilitating more effective and safer healthcare solutions (Beemkumar et al., 2023). Moreover, these materials have the potential to overcome limitations inherent to purely organic or inorganic nanomaterials, such as poor stability or restricted functionalization options (Nadaf et al., 2023).

The objectives of this chapter are multifaceted and aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role and potential of hybrid nanomaterials in biomedical applications.

  • (1)

    To describe the methodologies for synthesizing hybrid nanomaterials, focusing on optimizing the choice of organic and inorganic components for specific biomedical applications.

  • (2)

    To elucidate the tools and techniques used for characterizing these nanomaterials, emphasizing the importance of each technique in confirming their properties and functionalities.

  • (3)

    To explore the versatile roles that hybrid nanomaterials can play in fields such as drug delivery, diagnostics, tissue engineering, and biosensors.

  • (4)

    To examine key examples that demonstrate the efficacy and potential of hybrid nanomaterials in addressing real-world biomedical challenges.

  • (5)

    To discuss the technical challenges that must be navigated for the successful translation of these materials from the laboratory to the clinic.

  • (6)

    To outline emerging trends and future research avenues that could further expand the utility of hybrid nanomaterials in the biomedical sciences.

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