Big Data Virtualization and Visualization on Cloud

Big Data Virtualization and Visualization on Cloud

Farid Ahmad
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9767-6.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Data virtualization is the procedure of combining data from different sources of information to develop a solo, logical and virtual view of facts so that it can be accessed by front-end resolutions such as applications, dashboards and portals without having to know the data's exact storingsite. Several organizations ride multiple types of database management systems, such as Oracle and SQL servers, which do not work fine with one another. Therefore, enterprises face new challenges in data integration and storage of huge amounts of data. With data virtualization, commercial handlers are able to get real time and consistent information speedily, which supports them to take foremost corporate decisions. The process of data virtualization involves abstracting, transforming, federating and delivering data from unequal sources. The key objective of data virtualization technology is to deliver a single point of access to the data by aggregating it from a wide range of data sources.
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whereas we are at an near the beginning phase in the advancement of big data, it is not at all too near the beginning to dig up ongoing with good practices so that you can pull what you are learning and the understanding you are gaining. As with every vital rising technology, it is significant to recognize why you need to leverage the technology and have a actual sketch in place. Several organizations begin their big data journey by experiment with a sole project that might offer some material benefit. By selecting a project, you have the autonomy of testing with no risk capital expenditures

There are some of the best, most comprehensive, sophisticated-yet-flexible visualization tools available and all are capable of handling big data. Many of these tools are Open-Source, free applications that can be used in conjunction with one another or with your existing design applications, using JavaScript, JSON, SVG, Python, HTML5 or drag-and-drop functionality with no programming required at all. Others are comprehensive business intelligence platforms capable of sophisticated data analysis and reporting, complete with a multitude of ways to visualize your data. Cloud computing normally begins with virtualization. Virtualization is acute to cloud computing because it shortens the transfer of services by providing a platform for optimizing multifaceted IT resources in a mountable way, which is what makes cloud computing so cost effective. Virtualization can be applied very broadly to objective about everything you can visualize including hardware, operating systems, memory, networks, storage and applications.

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