Big Data Security: Challenges, Recommendations and Solutions

Big Data Security: Challenges, Recommendations and Solutions

Fatima-Zahra Benjelloun, Ayoub Ait Lahcen
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7501-6.ch003
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The value of Big Data is now being recognized by many industries and governments. The efficient mining of Big Data enables to improve the competitive advantage of companies and to add value for many social and economic sectors. In fact, important projects with huge investments were launched by several governments to extract the maximum benefit from Big Data. The private sector has also deployed important efforts to maximize profits and optimize resources. However, Big Data sharing brings new information security and privacy issues. Traditional technologies and methods are no longer appropriate and lack of performance when applied in Big Data context. This chapter presents Big Data security challenges and a state of the art in methods, mechanisms and solutions used to protect data-intensive information systems.
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Security Challenges In Big Data Context

As mentioned by (Kim, Kim, & Chung, 2013), security in Big Data context includes three main aspects: information security, security monitoring and data security. For (Lu et al., 2013), managing security in a distributed environment means to ensure Big Data management, system integrity and cyberspace security.

Generally, Big Data security aims to ensure a real-time monitoring to detect vulnerabilities, security threats and abnormal behaviours; a granular role-based access control; a robust protection of confidential information and a generation of security performance indicators. It supports rapid decision-making in a security incident case. The following sections identify and explain a number of challenges to achieve these goals.

Big Data Nature

Because of Big Data velocity and huge volumes, it is difficult to protect all data. Indeed, adding security layers may slow system performances and affect dynamic analysis. Thus, access control and data protection are two “BIG” security problems (Kim et al., 2013). Furthermore, it is difficult to handle data classification and management of large digital disparate sources. Even though that the cost by GB has diminished, Big Data security requires important investments. In addition to all that, Big Data is most of the time stored and transferred across multiple Clouds and distributed worldwide systems. Sharing data over many networks increase security risks.

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