Big Data Analytics in Cloud Platform

Big Data Analytics in Cloud Platform

Sathishkumar S., Devi Priya R., Karthika K.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3111-2.ch010
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Big data computing in clouds is a new paradigm for next-generation analytics development. It enables large-scale data organizations to share and explore large quantities of ever-increasing data types using cloud computing technology as a back-end. Knowledge exploration and decision-making from this rapidly increasing volume of data encourage data organization, access, and timely processing, an evolving trend known as big data computing. This modern paradigm incorporates large-scale computing, new data-intensive techniques, and mathematical models to create data analytics for intrinsic information extraction. Cloud computing emerged as a service-oriented computing model to deliver infrastructure, platform, and applications as services from the providers to the consumers meeting the QoS parameters by enabling the archival and processing of large volumes of rapidly growing data faster economy models.
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1.1 Background Details

AmirGandomi and MurtazaHaider (2015) present detailed information about big data analytics, and it collects from various developers and industry practitioners. The main objective was to discuss big data analytics over structured and unstructured data. The discussion shows that the heterogeneity of data, extensive and noise, needs to be handled before data processing.

Artola et al. (2015) designed and experimented with a structured search engine to extract user-required patterns from big tourism data. Based on the user query input, the real-time data is collected and integrated for big data analytics.

Nguyen et al. (2016) Proposed using knowledge-based locations to acquire knowledge by searching and browsing extensive collections of general and cultural heritage databases using user interaction through SNS. Researchers have shown that given particular geolocation, current social media data combined with technology, Researchers can find interesting information for visitors, providing dynamic information in favor of any travel agent.

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