Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on Gastronomy Tourism

Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on Gastronomy Tourism

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1814-0.ch006
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In the ever-evolving tapestry of global tourism, a transformative movement has emerged, one that transcends the boundaries of traditional travel experiences. This exploration seeks to unravel the intricate connections between sustainable gastronomy tourism and the flourishing of research publication around the globe. This bibliometric analysis delves into the landscape of gastronomy tourism research, examining author contributions, institutional involvement, global distribution, document types, and journal impact.
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Future Directions

As the bibliometric analysis highlights the current landscape of gastronomy tourism research, it also points towards potential future directions. Emerging areas include the integration of technology in gastronomy tourism experiences, the impact of global events (such as pandemics) on food tourism patterns, and the exploration of lesser-known culinary traditions. Additionally, there is a growing interest in understanding the intersectionality of gastronomy tourism with issues of sustainability, identity, and cultural preservation.

In conclusion, the bibliometric analysis of publications on gastronomy tourism underscores the field's growth, diverse geographic focus, interdisciplinary nature, and the exploration of multifaceted themes. This thriving body of literature not only reflects the evolving interests of researchers but also contributes valuable insights to practitioners and policymakers in the tourism and hospitality industry. As gastronomy tourism continues to evolve, this bibliometric analysis serves as a guide for future research endeavors in this dynamic and captivating field.Top of Form

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