Bibliometric Analysis of Non-Renewable Thermal, Renewable Thermal, and Solar Energy in the Era of VUCA Phenomenon

Bibliometric Analysis of Non-Renewable Thermal, Renewable Thermal, and Solar Energy in the Era of VUCA Phenomenon

Pablo Cesar Ocampo Velez, David Blekhman, Oscar Ariza
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0720-5.ch011
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The increase in temperature because of climate change has caused increasingly frequent and intense meteorological phenomena that have affected many people in different parts of the world, and society in general needs to reduce their impact by reducing the carbon footprint resulting from energy generation electricity. This added to a significant increase in the demand for energy in the world. This study was conducted to analyze the publications in the Scopus database related to the generation of non-renewable, renewable thermal energy, and solar energy. Most of the articles emphasize the integration of cleaner methods of energy production to reduce CO2 production, increase efficiency, and reduce energy waste in the process of generating electricity. Furthermore, the energy matrix based on non-renewable, renewable, solar, and thermal energies are some of the energy sources that are part of resilience in the VUCA era, volatility, uncertainty, and complexity.
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1. Introduction

This qualitative-descriptive research focused on carrying out a bibliometric review that allowed us to know and understand the different developments in energy generation from non-renewable thermal sources, renewables and solar energy, through a review of academic literature linked to the VUCA phenomenon.

The global energy industry has been hard hit by the current global economic disruptions and Colombia is no exception: sharp drops in demand management, a changing mix of preferred products, the exorbitant reduction in crude oil prices, difficulties to staff essential production sites and constant breakdown of supply in supply chains are the problems of the region.

The profound challenges facing the oil, gas and refining sector have never been more evident than during the COVID19 crisis. The market orientation of chemical and refining products has a very competitive, volatile behavior. To maintain a solid position in the market, companies must increasingly analyze the strategy and structure where the internal part of the operations, inter-functional coordination must guarantee optimized value networks where the performance factor is where the requirements of the groups converge of interest.

The VUCA (Volatile-Uncertainty-Complexity-Ambiguity) phenomenon within the renewable energy field and sector is an environment to which organizations must adapt and adjust quickly. Value networks must apply to significant changes where the factor of the internal part of operations must be oriented to the VUCA environment to respond to the effective needs of interest groups characterized by not only remaining current but surviving.

One of the characteristics of companies in the fossil products sector under this phenomenon lies in having significant changes in the demand for products to reach their customers in an optimal and safe way. Human capital operates through the dynamics of digital nomads and is only essential due to the risk of the pandemic. • The profit margin is increasingly more demanding.

Among the findings, it was found that global consumption is the responsibility of urban areas, which represents an emission of more than 70% of greenhouse gases, so cities have a fundamental role in mitigating change. climate by implementing low-carbon energy generation solutions (Bhuiyan, 2022).

In this sense, the growing interest worldwide in identifying viable solutions to energy demand and at the same time reducing dependence on fossil fuels stands out, all of this is subject to the efforts of each country aimed at strengthening the energy sector, through development of green energies and the high costs that impact society (Sabie et al, 2022).

In this sense, scientific and technological advances in recent years have provided tools to avoid unacceptable climate change, but this requires global cooperation and multilateral actions by governments, but many of them still do not perceive that the challenge of change Global climate must be addressed urgently.

In the year 2023, the United Nations Organization, at the head of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change (IPCC), published a report in which the urgent need to execute much more ambitious measures by governments to guarantee a future that is sustainable and in turn sustainable for all. Likewise, the report emphatically points out how the unsustainable and unequal use of energy and the burning of fossil fuels has generated an increase in global warming of 1.1 °C compared to pre-industrial levels, which forces us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to almost half of what is currently generated and until 2030, to limit global warming to 1.5 °C (Sabie et al, 2022).

Similarly, the Secretary General of the United Nations indicated that the 1.5 °C limit is feasible if, among other things, the developed economies guarantee zero emissions in electricity generation by 2035, and the other countries carry it out. conducted to 2040, while business models are modified in an attempt to increase renewable energy sources while the use of fossil fuels is progressively eliminated (Secretary-General, 2023).

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