Beyond the Chatbot: How Are Universities Using AI Nowadays?

Beyond the Chatbot: How Are Universities Using AI Nowadays?

Daniele Vieira, Jaime Roser Chinchilla, Bosen Lily Liu, Clarisa Yerovi, Diana Morales
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9247-2.ch001
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly developing and being implemented in every area of society, including higher education (HE). Evidence shows that AI has become an important subject among the academia representing about 2.2% of all scientific publications in 2018 and counting. Higher education institutions (HEIs), especially in developed countries, have already started to use AI technology in various areas such as teaching and learning and management. At the same time, AI has been increasingly appearing in curricula, in an attempt to prepare current students with the skills required by the changing job market. HEIs need to gather the infrastructure, digital and human capacity, and frameworks to properly and safely use such technology while putting students at the center. As such, this chapter provides an initial overview of the practical applications of AI in HEIs, particularly in the areas of teaching, learning, and administration.
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Artificial intelligence is developing fast and profoundly reconfiguring every aspect of society, economies, and the labor market. AI technology is expected to impact higher education with implications at various levels and for different audiences such as students and staff members.

This study was developed through a literature review and data gathering to systematize the main elements characterizing the link between AI and higher education. The data was collected, including sources such as the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, HEIs documents, government ministries, OECD, World Bank, Web of Science, online reports, online observatories, and policy documents. It is important to highlight that this research does not aim to be a finite source in itself but rather provide an initial overview of the topic under analysis.

Higher education will play a significant role in the AI era as its skills are developed and evolve, AI knowledge disseminates, and people can learn resiliency for upcoming technological changes in their lives and in the job market. In situations such as the one where technology develops faster than we could have imagined, with limited time and resources to foresee the implications, it is time for higher education to lead the road, so AI works with people’s goals and values at its core.

Key Terms in this Chapter

HE: Higher education.

ANI: Artificial narrow intelligence.

HEIs: Higher education institutions.

AGI: Artificial general intelligence.

AIED: Artificial intelligence application in education.

ASI: Artificial superintelligence.

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