Benefits of CMM and CMMI-Based Software Process Improvement

Benefits of CMM and CMMI-Based Software Process Improvement

Maged Abdullah, Rodina Ahmad, Lee Sai Peck, Zarinah Mohd Kasirun, Fahad Alshammari
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4301-7.ch067
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Software Process Improvement (SPI) has become the survival key of numerous software development organizations who want to deliver their products cheaper, faster, and better. A software process ultimately describes the way that organizations develop their software products and supporting services; meanwhile, SPI on the other hand, is the act of changing the software process and maintenance activities. This chapter purposefully describes the benefits of software process improvement. The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) are briefly surveyed and extensively discussed. Prior literature on the benefits and impacts of CMM and CMMI-based software process improvement is also highlighted.
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Benefits Of Software Process Improvement (Spi)

SPI is significant because it is the primary means by which a new and enhanced software development process is created. This is done in order to achieve important economic benefits at the least costs. Research shows that well designed software development process has a positive impact on the economic performance of software projects. Performance is usually measured in terms of productivity as well as the efficiency of the cost (Rico, 2004). On the other hand, poorly designed software development processes have negative consequences on the economic performance of software projects because poor software development process results in high operations cost, ineffective use of available resources, and lost opportunities in the market. According to Rico (2004), poorly designed processes result in a lack of quality and reliability, and poor customer satisfaction. That is why “Software Process improvement has emerged as an important paradigm for managing software development” (Ravichandran & Rai, 2003).

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