Bayesian Network-Based Decision Support for Pest Management

Bayesian Network-Based Decision Support for Pest Management

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9220-5.ch080
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The Bayesian network can be used to estimate the effectiveness of alternate management decisions or policies because of being causal in nature. BNs have the ability to sustain clarity through explicit causal assumptions and so are generally used to model when the relationships to be described are not easily expressed using mathematical notation. Bayesian networks have many other attractive properties which make them particularly applicable in data analysis and decision making. BNs have simple causal and graphical structure and can be easily extended and altered. In this article, the authors discuss the concepts related to Bayesian networks and the role of Bayesian networks in development of decision support system for pest management.
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Bayesian Network, a key computer technology dealing with probabilities in Artificial Intelligence is one of the most effective and popular methods of modeling uncertain knowledge expression and reasoning such as environmental management (Bi & Chen, 2011; Uusitalo, 2007). BNs emerged from artificial intelligence research wherein originally, they emerged as formal modes to analyze decision approaches under uncertain conditions (Varis, 1997). New computational methods and techniques keep increasing BN’s abilities and range of practical applications (Mead, Paxton & Sojda, 2006).

In contrast to the other approaches or techniques used in environment studies, Bayesian networks use probabilistic expressions rather than deterministic to express the relationships among variables of the system. Bayesian network accounts the lack of knowledge in the network by the usage of Bayesian probability theory which allows the subjective estimation of the probability of occurrence of a particular outcome that is to be combined with more objective data quantifying the frequency of occurrence in finding the conditional probabilistic relationships. Bayesian networks are very appropriate technique to deal with systems where uncertainty is inherently accounted in model as this is an important issue in ecological systems, Pollino & Henderson (2010).

BNs can integrate missing data readily by using Bayes’ theorem. They can easily be understood without much mathematical background and knowledge. They have been found to possess good accuracy of prediction with small sample size. BNs can also be applied for predicting the probable values of states of a system for different future scenarios. Bayesian networks are also useful for participatory processes. They can assist in evaluating the alternative decisions to optimize a desired outcome. BNs can also help in processes of social learning. BNs express the system as network of reciprocal actions among system variables from main cause to final outcome; subject to all cause-effect assumptions are clearly made (Pollino & Henderson, 2010). Reasoning approaches are very useful in dealing with uncertain information (Heping & Daniel, 1998).

A Bayesian Network is a combination (G; P) (Jensen & Nielsen, 2007; Kjrulff & Madsen, 2008) where

  • G = (V; E) is a DAG where set of nodes V = {X1, X2…Xn} represents the variables of the system and E, a set of arcs represents direct conditional dependencies between the variables(nodes);

  • P represents the set of conditional probability distributions comparing conditional probability distribution P (Xi/pa (Xi)) for each variable X given the set of parent’s pa (Xi) in the graph.

The joint probability distribution over V can be recovered from the set P of conditional probability distributions by the application of following chain rule:

  • P(X1, X2…Xn) = ∏P (Xi/pa (Xi)) (Singh & Gupta, 2017b)

Conditional probabilities of a BNs can be computed based on the experimental or trial data, results produced by the models and domain expert’s knowledge elicitation (Borsuk et al., 2006). Uncertainty is clearly represented by way of presentation of the probabilities (Bromley et al., 2005).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Expert System: It is a computer program that uses artificial-intelligence methods to solve problems within a specialized domain that ordinarily requires human expertise.

Decision Support System: Decision support systems (DSSs) are the interactive computer-based information systems that use ICT technologies, information, knowledge, documents, or models to assist the decision makers in identification and solution of a decision-making problem.

Pest Management: It is a process to solve pest problems while minimizing risks to people and the environment.

Bayesian Network: A Bayesian network (BN) is a probabilistic graphical model for representing knowledge about an uncertain domain where each node corresponds to a random variable and each edge represents the conditional probability for the corresponding random variables.

Economic Threshold Level: The economic threshold Level (ETL) is the population density at which control measures should be determined to prevent an increasing pest population from reaching the Economic injury level.

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