Barriers Hindering Digital Transformation in SMEs

Barriers Hindering Digital Transformation in SMEs

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0111-1.ch008
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The chapter aims to find interdependencies between barriers that hinder adoption of digital transformation technologies in small and medium firms. Barriers were identified using an extensive literature review and finalized after consulting an expert panel. Next, a pairwise questionnaire was developed, and responses from essential stakeholders working with small and medium firms were collected. Data were analyzed using the DEMATEL technique. Salient challenges for implementing digital transformation technologies were identified, and the cause-and-effect relationship between the barriers was established. Lack of proper digital vision and strategy was identified as the most critical barrier that hinders adoption of digital transformation technologies in small and medium firms. Digital technologies help to improve the efficiency of the firms and improve resource utilization by facilitating timely and accurate decision making. Hence, overcoming the identified challenges in transformation will improve the operations of the production system and organizational process.
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The impact of innovations or improvements in digital technology and technical breakthroughs is huge on operations of small enterprises. Adoption of these technologies contribute to the nation's economic and societal development through prosperity as well as their global expansion. As the speed or rate of digital technological innovation continues to increase rapidly and exponentially Coad and Tamvada (2012), digital technology transformation is highly required and critical to survive in today's competitive market landscape.

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