Augmented Reality Mobile Games in Japanese Language Classrooms: Integration Into Practices and Curricula

Augmented Reality Mobile Games in Japanese Language Classrooms: Integration Into Practices and Curricula

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2687-9.ch011
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This study examined how augmented reality (AR) mobile games can be utilized to teach and learn Japanese-as-a-foreign-language (JFL) in the classroom. JFL students (n = 16) played a GPS-based AR game created using a map of the campus. Each student was given pre- and post-gaming worksheets and a vocabulary reference sheet. The findings revealed that progress through and completion of the AR game's story provided students with a sense of achievement and using the learners' familiar campus resulted in situated learning that connected their physical experience and text interactions in a multimodal setting. However, though the AR game seemed to deliver a successful learning experience overall, the challenges of the app highlight the need for improvements in areas such as the use of furigana and the proportion of unfamiliar vocabulary and kanji. These findings also raised the question of whether students need additional preparation for unfamiliar items, suggesting that these items should be introduced more effectively and used within more extensive learning experiences.
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