Augmented Reality and Mobile Consumers: Mining Reviews of AR Applications for Consumer Perceptions

Augmented Reality and Mobile Consumers: Mining Reviews of AR Applications for Consumer Perceptions

Zehra Nur Canbolat, Fatih Pinarbasi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2874-7.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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In this chapter, consumer perceptions of augmented reality mobile applications will be emphasized and the analysis will be carried out through the mobile application markets of two different countries. In the research, the top 20 applications were selected from the UK and USA mobile application markets and the last consumer evaluations regarding these applications were obtained. In accordance with the purpose of the research, text mining methods were used to evaluate the expressions of consumers, since data mining methodologies can contribute to a better understanding of unstructured data. In the research, top words, bigram, and trigram are used in consumer comments. Then sentiment analysis method is employed to determine the emotions in consumer comments. Authors conclude that both markets have positive polarities. While the study provides a theoretical contribution in terms of consumer evaluations and new product perception, it also contributes to the sector in terms of expressions and evaluations used by consumers.
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Literature Review

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is defined as a form of experience which enhance real world with computer-generated content regarding to specific locations, activities (Yuen et al., 2011)

It refers to technology allowing virtual imagery (computer generated) to overlay physical objects in real time (Zhou et al., 2008). Understanding augmented reality in detail involves examining augmented reality with virtual reality concept. Milgram et al. (1995) imply a reality-virtuality continuum in their study which includes real environment in one side and virtual environment on the other side. The continuum includes augmented reality next to real environment. In virtual reality, the environment is completely virtual. On the other hand, augmented reality includes virtual elements with real environment together. Therefore, a mobile phone app which shows a virtual world and does not include any real life objects refer to virtual reality app, while a mobile phone application showing virtual objects together with real life environment refers to augmented reality app. Azuma (1997) states three characteristics of augmented reality; combining virtual and real, registered in three dimensions, interactive in real time.

Augmented reality applications and researches has a wide range of search areas; including, design/manufacturing (Nee et al., 2012), education (Kesim & Ozarslan, 2012 ;Wojciechowski & Cellary, 2013; Bujak et al., 2013), tourism (Jung et al., 2015; tom Dieck & Jung, 2018), retailing (Dacko, 2017). It can be interpreted that augmented reality has two main sides for research; technical side and its implementation to various industries; consuming side and its consumption in different contexts.

Consumption of augmented reality is the first topic of implementation area. How consumers react to augmented reality applications, how marketers can use AR to improve their marketing efforts are main questions. Scholz and Smith (2016) proposes a framework for creating successful AR programs and it includes eight items (ENTANGLE). These items are; experience, nourishing engagement, target audiences, aligning AR with marketing programme, neutralizing threats, goals, leveraging brand meanings and enticing consumers. This study evaluates augmented reality as not a part of marketing campaign, but a technology mobile users consume as experience. This study has a consumer-market perspective which examines augmented reality as end-user product (mobile phone applications). Next section focuses on consumption mobile application in mobile application context.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Text Mining: Processing of text-based content to create meaningful information.

Mobile Application: A type of software which enables users to do specific processes by mobile devices.

Augmented Reality: A form between completely virtual and real environment which includes both real environment with virtual objects.

Online Review: A type of consumer reaction which consumers express their ideas/opinions with it.

Data Mining: Process of producing meaningful information from unstructured data.

Consumer Perception: The attitude, opinion or ideas regarding specific product/service/brand.

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