Augmentation of Terahertz Communication in 6G and Its Dependency for Future State-of-the-Art Technology

Augmentation of Terahertz Communication in 6G and Its Dependency for Future State-of-the-Art Technology

Sivaramakrishnan S., Rathish C. R., Lingasamy V., Premalatha S.
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3804-6.ch007
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The communication technology has taken a long journey starting from telegraphy to high-definition video transmission and moving toward the high-density hologram. It is noticed that the data rate has raised linearly with reduced latency as the technology has progressed from first generation to the sixth generation. 5G technology has its limitation in meeting the challenge in creating the high-density hologram and future artificial intelligence application and that's one of the reasons for the focus in the 6G technology. The terahertz frequency that will be used in 6G communication will offer a wideband channel which can support multiple gigahertz channel. Terahertz communication in 6G can support data rate of terabits per second and the latency in 5G can be reduced to one tenth compared to the 6G. This chapter focuses on architecture, necessary hardware requirement, use cases, and deployment of machine learning/artificial intelligence algorithms for certain applications of interest.
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Requirement Of 5G

The major difference between current generations and the 5G techniques includes

  • Lower outage probability

  • Better coverage

  • Low battery consumption.

  • More secure

  • High Spectral efficiency.

  • Many concurrent data transfer paths.

  • Artificial sensors are used for communication which is not harmful to human health

  • Ultra-densification

  • Industrial IoT/Private networks

  • Integration with existing network elements like WiFi etc.


What Is Beyond 5Generation?

The future overhaul of Nano-focus will be phenomenal as it gets together with Artificial Intelligence. One can handle his cleaver Robot using the application of his mobile device. The portable device can therefore can type the information that runs in our mind. There will be a circumstance where there won't be a need for any reach for correspondence. The Google hot examples have assessed the term 6G as the seventeenth most glanced through the word in the web records. 6G advancement hasn't been uncovered till now but anyway search questions like what is 6G convenient development, 6G flexible, 6G association, 6G wiki are getting more to know.

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