At the Basic Education Level: Values Education Research and Their Results – Turkey Example

At the Basic Education Level: Values Education Research and Their Results – Turkey Example

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9295-6.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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Values education aims to cultivate learners' values, discipline them according to established rules, and positively transform their characters by contributing to their moral development. This education, encompassing both cognitive and affective dimensions of teaching, represents one of the most significant goals of education systems. The objective of this section is to analyze research trends related to values education in Türkiye and the outcomes of these studies at the basic education level, alongside a systematic examination of doctoral dissertations. To achieve this, doctoral dissertations registered and available in the Thesis Center of the Turkish Council of Higher Education were reviewed using keywords such as value/values education, character education, moral education, and citizenship education. This study examines 102 doctoral dissertations, categorizing them based on the subject of values education, exploring how values education is defined within the dissertations, examining the research methods, and evaluating the findings at the basic education level.
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Background: Values And Value Education

The concept of value can be defined in various ways depending on the context. In general, value refers to the worth, significance, or importance assigned to something, whether it is an object, a concept, a belief, or an action (Scholarly Community Encyclopedia, n.d.). For individuals or groups, values are the moral principles and ideas they consider essential in life and guide their actions and decisions (Sinclair, 1990: 1615).

There are several common interpretations of value. Moral values are concerned with principles of right and wrong, guiding ethical judgments and behaviors. They often stem from philosophical or religious frameworks and help individuals determine what is morally acceptable or unacceptable (Yudkin, Gantman, Hofmann & Quoidbach, 2021).

Personal values are deeply held beliefs and principles that shape an individual's attitudes, choices, and behaviors. They reflect what individuals consider important and meaningful in their lives, such as honesty, integrity, freedom, compassion, or personal growth (Sagiv, Roccas, Cieciuch & Schwartz, 2017).

Cultural values are shared beliefs, norms, and ideals that characterize a particular society or community. They influence collective behavior, social interactions, and decision-making within that culture. Cultural values include respect for elders, cooperation, individualism, and environmental stewardship (Von Suchodoletz & Hepach, 2021).

In addition to individual and cultural values, emotional, economic, and functional values are relevant within the business context (Lee, Lee & Choi, 2010). These different interpretations of value highlight its multifaceted nature and the various dimensions in which it can be understood and applied.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Citizenship Education: Refers to educating individuals about their rights, responsibilities, and roles as active and engaged members of a democratic society. It aims to develop a sense of civic identity, promote democratic values, and prepare individuals to participate responsibly in their communities and society. Citizenship education encompasses the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for individuals to become informed, responsible, and active citizens. It teaches individuals about their country's political, social, and legal systems and the principles of democracy, human rights, social justice, and global citizenship. The objectives of citizenship education include promoting an understanding of the rights and freedoms granted to citizens, encouraging respect for diversity and inclusion, fostering critical thinking and informed decision-making, and developing skills for civic participation and social action.

Value Education: Imparting moral, ethical, and social values to individuals. It aims to develop a sense of integrity, empathy, respect, responsibility, and other positive qualities in individuals. Value education goes beyond the academic curriculum and focuses on nurturing the overall personality of individuals, helping them become responsible and well-rounded citizens. The primary objective of value education is to instill core values and principles that guide individuals in making ethical decisions, behaving responsibly, and contributing positively to society.

Character Education: An approach to education that focuses on developing positive character traits and values in individuals. It aims to foster students' moral, ethical, and social-emotional development, equipping them with the necessary skills and qualities to become responsible, respectful, and compassionate individuals. Character education goes beyond academic learning and emphasizes cultivating virtues such as honesty, integrity, empathy, fairness, perseverance, responsibility, respect, and citizenship. It seeks to instill these values in students, helping them develop a solid moral character and guiding their behavior in various situations.

Moral Education: The process of teaching individuals about moral values, ethical principles, and responsible behavior. It aims to develop an individual's understanding of right and wrong and guide them in making ethical decisions and engaging in moral reasoning. Moral education aims to develop a solid moral character, integrity, and a commitment to ethical conduct. It involves imparting knowledge about various moral values such as honesty, empathy, fairness, compassion, justice, respect, and responsibility. Moral education encompasses teaching individuals about the consequences of their actions, empathy and consideration for others, and the significance of personal integrity. It encourages individuals to reflect on ethical dilemmas, make informed decisions, and take responsibility for the consequences of their choices.

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