Assistive Robotics and Synthetic Biology in Medical Applications

Assistive Robotics and Synthetic Biology in Medical Applications

Dhiresh S. Shastri, Narhar K. Patil, Dler Salih Hasan, Tushar S. Nikumbh, Naresh Babanrao Chaudhari
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6577-6.ch003
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Assistive robotics and synthetic biology have revolutionized the medical field by offering personalized interventions and precise exercises in physical therapy and rehabilitation. This synergy accelerates patient recovery and improves functional outcomes. Synthetic biology techniques contribute to neural repair and regeneration, providing innovative solutions for neurological disorders and brain injuries. Robotic prosthetic limbs with synthetic sensory feedback revolutionize amputees' lives, offering enhanced motor control and reducing pain. The collaboration has led to breakthroughs in personalized gene therapies, smart drug delivery systems, and brain-computer interfaces.
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In recent years, the fields of assistive robotics and synthetic biology have witnessed significant advancements that hold immense promise for revolutionizing medical applications. Assistive robotics involves the design and development of robotic systems that interact with humans to provide support, enhance capabilities, and improve quality of life. On the other hand, synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary branch of science that combines principles from biology, engineering, and computer science to design and construct novel biological components, systems, and organisms (Anitha, R, et al., 2023).

The convergence of these two cutting-edge disciplines has given rise to a new era of medical innovation, where robotic technologies are seamlessly integrated with biological systems to address a wide array of healthcare challenges. From drug delivery to surgical procedures, rehabilitation, and disease detection, the synergistic collaboration between assistive robotics and synthetic biology offers a powerful toolbox to tackle complex medical problems (Boopathi, 2022; Boopathi et al., 2022; Kannan et al., 2022; Saravanan et al., 2022). In this book chapter, we aim to explore the potential applications of assistive robotics and synthetic biology in the medical field. We will delve into the fundamental concepts of each discipline, examining the tools, techniques, and methodologies that underpin their respective domains. By understanding these foundations, we can better grasp the transformative impact that the amalgamation of assistive robotics and synthetic biology can have on healthcare (Anitha, R, et al., 2023).

Throughout this chapter, we will investigate the collaborative efforts and novel approaches that merge the precision and adaptability of robotic systems with the programmability and versatility of synthetic biological components. We will explore the use of robotics for drug delivery, the creation of bioengineered tissues and organs, and the integration of genetic circuitry for disease detection and treatment. Moreover, we will delve into the potential applications of assistive robotics in surgery and rehabilitation, where the marriage of robotics and synthetic biology can potentially reshape the landscape of medical procedures and patient care (Boopathi et al., 2023).

However, with these advancements come unique challenges and ethical considerations. We will also explore the human-robot interaction aspect, emphasizing the importance of designing intuitive and safe user interfaces to foster seamless integration. Additionally, we will address the ethical implications surrounding the use of these technologies, ensuring that the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice are upheld throughout the development and deployment of these innovations (Rahamathunnisa, Sudhakar, Murugan, Thivaharan S., et al., 2023).

The convergence of assistive robotics and synthetic biology represents a transformative shift in the medical landscape. This chapter aims to shed light on the exciting possibilities that lie ahead, as well as the responsibilities and considerations that accompany such transformative technologies. By embracing interdisciplinary collaboration and upholding ethical standards, we can harness the full potential of assistive robotics and synthetic biology to enhance patient outcomes, improve healthcare accessibility, and pave the way for a healthier future (Boopathi, 2023c; Ramudu et al., 2023). Assistive robotics refers to the integration of robotic systems into medical practices to assist and augment the capabilities of healthcare professionals, patients, and individuals with physical or cognitive impairments. These robots are designed to perform various tasks, such as surgical procedures, rehabilitation exercises, drug delivery, and diagnostic support, among others. By combining advanced sensors, actuators, artificial intelligence, and human-robot interaction interfaces, assistive robotics offers the potential to improve patient outcomes, enhance precision, and increase the efficiency of medical interventions (Boopathi, 2023a).

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