Assessment of Environmental Knowledge: The Case of the Ghanaian Contractor

Assessment of Environmental Knowledge: The Case of the Ghanaian Contractor

Nana Benyi Ansah, Isaac Aidoo, Justice Agbevade
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9843-9.ch016
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While developed countries continue to progress in environmental impact mitigation, global south countries have immature environmental mitigation and performance strategies. The need for formidable knowledge of various environmental themes and categories is thus essential to educate construction contractors on the awareness of their environmental challenges. Knowledge of sustainable standards provides the pathway to achieving the U.N.'s sustainable development goals (SDGs) in providing construction sustainability. This study assessed the awareness level of the Ghanaian construction contractor using climate change as the environmental theme. A survey was carried out on the theme using a 5-point Likert scale. The survey was conducted using purposive and snowball sampling methods. The contractor's environmental consciousness level was estimated using linear regression analysis to determine their grasp of climate change. According to the findings, the Ghanaian construction contractor is adequately informed of climate change.
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The sustainability paradigm affirms that buildings affect climate change, and this change is now a global reality.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Sustainable Standard: The appropriate documentation and methods used in regular construction practices to meet the current generation's needs without compromising the following generation's capacity to meet their own needs.

Contractor Motivation: The construction contractor’s desire to achieve positive environmental footprints due to the awareness of the adverse effects of poor construction practices.

Attitudinal Change: The constructive behavioural change towards a particular phenomenon due to self-awareness.

Environmental Theme: The main heading of an environmental footprint as a result of the description of a specific environmental indicator.

Stakeholder: Parties interested in lessening the effects, in which their actions or inactions may have on the environment.

Global South Countries: Poor and least developed countries which struggle with economic and human development, unemployment, and other issues.

Formidable Knowledge: The capacity to have a thorough comprehension of discourse-related concerns.

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