Assessing South African University Adoption of Online Teaching During COVID 19

Assessing South African University Adoption of Online Teaching During COVID 19

Nkholedzeni Sidney Netshakhuma
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8661-7.ch001
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This study aims to assess South African universities' adoption of online teaching and learning during COVID-19. The literature review and document analysis were used to analyze the data. The study found that the Department of Higher Education and Training worked with universities to develop a plan to implement online teaching and learning. Various stakeholders such as media and mobile companies supported the online teaching and learning through financial resources in the form of data subsidizing, media airtime, and campaign for the initiative.
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Background Of South African Universities

The apartheid government under the National party came into power in 1948. The apartheid affected South African education by categorizing universities according to race and color. Universities were allocated resources based on race, color, and geographical location. Historically Advanced Institutions were more funded than Historically Black Institutions. This is alluded t by the statement issued by the Council of Higher Education (2015) stating that “universities were allocated resources according to their historical background”.

South African universities were grouped according to population group, geographical area. The English- Medium universities. included the University of Cape Town, the University of the Witwatersrand, Rhodes University, and the University of Natal (Known as the University of Kwazulu Natal). These universities were liberal and critical to the apartheid education policies such as the Bantu Education Act, 1953 and The Extension of University Education Act, Act 45 of 1959. This university category is established in urban and metropolitan areas. This category of the university is known as the Historically Advanced Institutions. When the COVID – 19 commenced, these universities were advance to provide online teaching and learning (Onwuegbuzie et al. 2020, p.243). Most students in this category access information communication technology. Students possess advanced cellphone and laptops.

Another category of the university was known as the White Afrikaans University. This category university included the University of Pretoria, the Rand Afrikaans University (known as the University of Johannesburg), and the University of Stellenbosch. This category of universities was also known as Historically Advantage Institutions. These universities were also based in urban and metropolitan areas. Most students attending these universities access information and communication technology. These universities support the apartheid policies. These universities were autonomous to provide education.

Another university category was established in the Bantustan state. The Bantustan was governments established by the apartheid as a self-governing state. Such states included Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei (TBVC). The apartheid established universities in some of these states with the purpose to offer inferior education standards compared to the white universities. Universities under this category are as follows:

  • The University of Venda based in the former Republic of Venda

  • The University of Bophutswana (Known as the University of Northwest) based in the Republic of Bophuthatswana

  • University of Transkei (Walter Sisulu University) is based in the Republic of Transkei.

Key Terms in this Chapter

COVID-19: It is a virus that started in China causes breathing problems and other breathing complications.

Bantustan States: These are states established by the apartheid government; however, such states are not recognized by the international community and United Nations.

Historically Advantages institutions: These are universities established in South Africa to educate the minority white communities, for example, the University of the Witwatersrand and the University of Cape Town

Internationalization: The process of ensuring that universities are recognized at the international level through a project such as an international exchange program.

Historically Disadvantages Institutions: These are universities established in South Africa to educate disadvantaged groups such as blacks, colored by the Indian government.

Online Teaching and Learning: This is a teaching method provided in an online platform where information communication technology is used as enabler.

Face-to-Face Teaching and Learning: This is a teaching method where students are conducted in a physical environment in a form of class such as Moodle.

Apartheid: System of governance introduced by the National Party government of South Africa in 1948 to separate Black people.

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