Assessing Human Reliability Behaviour from Use of Technology for Ships Navigating within Coastal Water

Assessing Human Reliability Behaviour from Use of Technology for Ships Navigating within Coastal Water

Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4317-8.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The traditional approach to the study of human factors in the maritime field involves the analysis of accidents without considering human factor reliability analysis. The main approaches being used to analyze human errors are statistical approach and probability theory approach. Another suitable approach to the study of human factors in the maritime industry is the quasi-experimental field study where variations in performance (for example attention) can be observed as a function of natural variations in performance shaping factors. This chapter analyzes result of modelling for human error and human reliability emanating from the use of technology on board ship navigation in coastal water areas by using qualitative and quantitative tools. Accident reports from marine department are used as empirical material for quantitative analysis. The literature on safety is based on common themes of accidents, the influence of human error resulting from technology usage design, accident reports from MAIB, and interventions information are used for qualitative assessment. Human reliability assessment involves analysis of accidents in waterways emanating from human-technology factors. The chapter reports enhancement requirement of the methodological issues with previous research study, monitoring, and deduces recommendations for technology modification of the human factors necessary to improve maritime safety performance. The result presented can contribute to rule making and safety management leading to the development of guidelines and standards for human reliability risk management for ships navigating within inland and coastal waters.
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Human factors deal with human abilities and limitations in relation to the design of systems, organizations, tools etc. Important parameters are safety, efficiency and comfort. Human errors and human factors are often studied separately; therefore, the relationship between them is often overlooked. According to Gordon (1998), they propose a framework for describing the relationships between underlying human factors and more immediately evident human errors. Gordon categorizes human factors as individual, group, or organizational, following the Rasmussen model “Perceptions on the Concept of Human Error” (Gordon, 1998) that categorize human errors as skills-based, rule-based, or knowledge-based.

System-induced errors reflect deficiencies in the way the total system was designed. They include mistakes in designating the numbers and types of personnel, in training, in data resources, in logistics, and in maintenance requirements and support. Design-induced errors result from inadequacies in the design of individual items of equipment. The new equipment characteristics create special difficulties for the operator which substantially increases the potential for error. Operator-induced errors can be traced directly to an incompetency on the part of the individual who makes that error. They include errors resulting from lack of capability, training, skill, motivation, or from fatigue. Several studies and case reviews have found that organizational factors may be the most critical in considering human factors contributing to marine accidents. At the organizational level, various factors may contribute to an increase in incidents and accidents, including cost-cutting programs and the level of communication between work-sites (Gordon, 1998).

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