Assessing Degree of Acceptance

Assessing Degree of Acceptance

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8800-3.ch008
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This chapter extends the methodology developed for quantifying the risk of misinformation by adding an approach to measure the degree of acceptance. Assessment of this parameter of the model developed in the previous chapter is essential for practical use of the approach and modeling developed. Degree of acceptance is subjective measure of whether the provided information describes a product that meets buyer's expectation. It represents how the buyer interprets the provided description of the product. This measure is essential for a buyer's purchase decision.
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Degree Of Impact Of The Risk Of Misinforming

The degree of acceptance is related to the importance, needs, of given categories of activities to the customer. The assumption is obvious – for the one customer who doesn’t need to do something in a given category of activities, every product will look acceptable for every work in this category. And the opposite is also true, if one needs and very often uses a product to execute given work, he or she will accept a product with high quality of the relevant properties needed for effective and efficient performance in accomplishing this work.

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