ASEAN and EU Bilateral Partnership on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

ASEAN and EU Bilateral Partnership on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1942-0.ch002
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The objective of this study is to explain the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) bilateral cooperation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This book chapter discusses both sides also have been agreeing to work for the establishment of a common platform on the global challenges of climate change. Moreover, on the 10th of February 2020 in Brussels the EU and ASEAN had agreed to work together to achieve the preservation of biodiversity, initiating cooperation in the blue economy, maritime cooperation and environmental degradation. The EU and ASEAN have entered into a strategic partnership for deeper multiple work on the SDGs through the use of technological modernization. Apart from these initiatives, the two sides have also started cooperation in the development of artificial intelligence for use in government institutions for better governance. The nature of this study is based on the qualitative study approach through the use of empirical analysis techniques.
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In the contemporary global landscape, the pursuit of sustainable development has emerged as a paramount objective, prompting nations and regional organizations to forge strategic alliances aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges confronting our planet. One such dynamic partnership unfolds between the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), two influential regional entities that have joined forces to advance the ambitious agenda encapsulated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This comprehensive exploration delves into the nuanced dimensions of the EU-ASEAN bilateral cooperation, unravelling their concerted efforts in fostering sustainable development, mitigating climate change, preserving biodiversity, and harnessing the potential of technological modernization (Lazard, 2023).

The imperative to comprehend the intricate fabric of EU-ASEAN collaboration on the SDGs is underscored by the historical context of the region (Ngo, 2016). Until recently, the South and Southeast Asian territories had largely remained unexplored by potentially hostile external powers, allowing for a unique confluence of regional dynamics. Against this backdrop, the EU and ASEAN have recognized the need for collective action to navigate the complexities of sustainable development, with a shared commitment to addressing global challenges such as climate change.

The genesis of this collaborative endeavor can be traced to the mutual accord reached by the EU and ASEAN to establish a common platform for confronting the global challenges posed by climate change (Ngo, 2016). A significant milestone in this journey occurred on the 10th of February 2020 in Brussels when both entities formalized their commitment to work collaboratively towards the preservation of biodiversity, initiation of cooperation in the blue economy, promotion of maritime cooperation, and the mitigation of environmental degradation (Lazard, 2023). These collective aspirations reflect a profound recognition of the interconnectedness of ecological well-being and sustainable development.

The strategic partnership between the EU and ASEAN extends beyond environmental concerns and encapsulates a broader commitment to the SDGs. Technological modernization, recognized as a catalyst for transformative change, forms a pivotal component of their collaborative approach. This alliance seeks to harness the power of innovation to propel progress across multiple dimensions of sustainable development (Lazard, 2023). A notable facet of this collaboration is the joint foray into the development of artificial intelligence, with a specific focus on its application in government institutions to enhance governance practices.

This study adopts a qualitative research approach, employing empirical analysis techniques to delve into the intricacies of the EU-ASEAN bilateral partnership. A deductive research method is employed to systematically explore and explicate innovative findings, offering a nuanced understanding of the various dimensions of this multifaceted collaboration. Fundamental to this exploration is the incorporation of the theory of regional economic integration, serving as a conceptual lens to elucidate the strategic cooperation between these two prominent regional organizations.

As one embarks on this comprehensive exploration of the EU-ASEAN collaboration, it is imperative to acknowledge the profound implications of their joint commitment to the implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change. This shared dedication not only underscores the alignment of their goals but also positions them as active contributors to the United Nations' overarching objective of advancing the SDGs on a global scale.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Global Governance: The coordination and regulation of international affairs and global challenges through collaborative efforts, agreements, and partnerships involving nations, organizations, and other stakeholders.

Strategic Partnership: A formal and collaborative alliance between the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), established to address shared challenges and promote cooperation in various domains.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A set of 17 global goals established by the United Nations to address pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges, aiming to achieve a more sustainable and inclusive world by 2030.

Climate Policy: Comprehensive strategies and initiatives aimed at addressing climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and fostering sustainability, as exemplified by the EU's Green Deal and ASEAN-EU collaboration on climate-related issues.

Blue Economy: The sustainable and inclusive utilization, governance, management, and conservation of oceans, seas, marine and coastal resources, and ecosystems, emphasizing economic growth while enhancing human well-being and social equity.

Maritime Security: Collaborative efforts and policies aimed at ensuring the safety and security of maritime activities, including measures to combat illegal activities such as IUU fishing, and promote stability in sea-based trade routes.

Strategic Partnership: A formalized relationship between the European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, characterized by joint initiatives, shared goals, and regular collaboration across various sectors.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Advanced technology characterized by machines performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, with implications for sustainable development, economic growth, and societal advancement.

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