Artificial Intelligence's Role and Future Implementation in Education

Artificial Intelligence's Role and Future Implementation in Education

Komal Bhardwaj, Garima, Sachin Sudan
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2728-9.ch007
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a disruptive force that has greatly benefited education, which is a vital aspect for both society evolution and personal growth. The purpose of this study is to analyze the multifaceted impact of AI in education and on the application and impact of AI learning, instruction, and administration. AI is the study and creation of computers, machines, and other artifacts with human like cognitive capacities, learning, and adaptability and decision-making capabilities. The objectives of this chapter are to present a comprehensive outline in addition to a more in-depth analysis of three main elements: roles, consequences, and future implications. The study also states the emergence of AI-enabled individualized learning, offers universal access to high-quality education at all levels by offering exciting new opportunities and applications. AI systems can successfully identify and rectify skill gaps, allowing individuals to adapt to shifting jobs and advancements in technology.
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2. Literature Review

Global interest in AI research has increased after 2016 when AlphaGo upset world Go champion Lee Sedol (Borowiec, 2016) with a high score of 4:1 in the game. An increasing amount of research on artificial intelligence (AI) in education focuses on using AI to support instruction, create smart campuses, and achieve intelligent teaching, learning, and administration. The use of AI technologies such as face recognition, image recognition, adaptive learning, and others to the area of education has sparked a number of improvements and also improved learning outcomes of student, teacher (Cui, Xue, & Thai, 2019) and work efficiency of educators (Kuo, 2020). Additionally, big data and AI technologies are integrated thoroughly to examine and analyse instructional data; this may also support educational reform and raise the standard of instruction (Williamson, 2018).

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