Artificial Intelligence: A Smart and Empowering Approach to Women's Safety

Artificial Intelligence: A Smart and Empowering Approach to Women's Safety

Varkha K. Jewani, Prafulla E. Ajmire, Suhashini Chaurasia, Geeta N. Brijwani
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2679-4.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In today's society, women's safety and empowerment are top priorities. Artificial intelligence (AI) integration offers a revolutionary means of resolving these problems. This abstract examines a clever and empowering strategy that makes use of AI technologies to improve the safety of women.AI-powered personal safety applications dramatically improve individual security by providing real-time location monitoring, emergency notifications, and connectivity with trusted contacts. The use of AI algorithms in predictive policing detects high-risk regions and patterns of violence against women, allowing for tailored law enforcement responses. AI-enabled safety chatbots and hotlines offer a secure environment for reporting occurrences and provide details on one's legal rights and available assistance options. Platforms for reporting and crowdsourcing data enable women to contribute to data-driven safety efforts, enabling more efficient responses. Initiatives for community interaction powered by AI raise awareness and enable quick solutions to safety issues.
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2. Literature Review

An increasing body of research and activities are aimed at utilizing AI technologies to solve women's safety problems, according to a literature review on “A Smart and Empowering Approach for Women's Safety Using Artificial Intelligence”. The following survey highlights significant discoveries and developments in the subject and covers studies, projects, and publications up to my most recent knowledge:

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