Artificial Intelligence: A Brief Review

Artificial Intelligence: A Brief Review

Satvik Tripathi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3499-1.ch001
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Artificial intelligence refers to the replication of human intelligence in machines that are encoded to think like humans and imitate their actions. The word may also be applied to any machine that displays qualities related to a human mind for example understanding, learning, and problem-solving. As technology advances, previous benchmarks that defined artificial intelligence become out-dated. Artificial intelligence has made its way to almost every sector and has resulted in better efficiency of the traditional processes. In this chapter, the author discusses the current applications, future prospects, and possible threats of artificial intelligence.
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Some Milestones/ Innovations During 20Th Century (Desai, R., 2017)

  • In 1923 Karel Čapek play “Rossum's Universal Robots” in London, first use of the word “robot” in English.

  • In 1943 Foundations for neural networks laid.

  • In 1945 a Columbia University alumni Isaac Asimov, coined the term Robotics.

  • In 1950 Alan Turing presented Turing Test for evaluation of intelligence

  • In 1956 John McCarthy coined the term Artificial Intelligence.

  • In 1958 John McCarthy invents LISP programming language for AI.

  • In 1964 Danny Bobrow's dissertation at MIT revealed that computers can understand natural language to solve algebra word problems correctly.

  • In 1965 Joseph Weizenbaum at MIT built ELIZA, an interactive problem that carries on a dialogue in English.

  • In 1969 Scientists Developed Shakey, a robot, equipped with locomotion, perception, and problem solving.

  • In 1973 The Assembly Robotics group built Freddy, the Scottish Robot, capable of using vision to locate and assemble models.

  • In 1979 The first computer-controlled autonomous vehicle, Stanford Cart, was built.

  • In 1985 Harold Cohen created and demonstrated the drawing program, Aaron.

  • In 1990 Major advances in all areas of AI such as Significant demonstrations in machine learning, Case-based reasoning, Multi-agent planning, Scheduling, Data mining, Web Crawler, natural language understanding and translation, Vision, Virtual Reality and Games were introduced.

  • In 1997 The Deep Blue Chess Program beats Garry Kasparov the then world chess champion.

  • In 2000 Kismet a robot with a face that expresses emotions was displayed, Robot Nomad explored remote regions of Antarctica and interactive robot pets became commercially available.

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