Artificial Intelligence With Cloud Resource Allocation: Cloud Computing Services With AI

Artificial Intelligence With Cloud Resource Allocation: Cloud Computing Services With AI

Mahendra Singh Sagar, Divya Sahgal
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9596-4.ch011
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AI can be applied in various sectors such as retail, supply chains, news, financial services, healthcare, and more, but these applications depend on massive volumes of data. Content adaptation in advertising, route optimization, demand forecasting, and healthcare applications are data-intensive processes, with healthcare demonstrating the highest potential and demands. Integrating AI with smart scanners can automate visual diagnostics, reduce maintenance costs, minimize human errors, facilitate robotic surgical assistance, and enhance data management.
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1. What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing represents a paradigm designed to provide ubiquitous, easily accessible, and on-demand network connectivity to a shared and customizable set of computing resources, including networks, servers, storage, applications, and services(Buyya et.all,2009).This infrastructure can be swiftly allocated and de-allocated with minimal managerial involvement or interaction with service providers. Cloud Computing operates on an internet-based model where users are billed according to their actual resource consumption.

Virtualization plays a leading role in Cloud Computing by enabling resource allocation to users. This process entails the initial virtualization of resources, which are subsequently delivered to users as services.

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