Artificial Intelligence Solutions for the Visually Impaired: A Review

Artificial Intelligence Solutions for the Visually Impaired: A Review

Sunil Kumar, Dibya Nandan Mishra, Shahid Mohammad Ganie, R. Bharathikannan, K. Vijayakanthan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6519-6.ch013
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The major population of visually impaired and blind peoples were overlooked for years. Technology always keeps advancing and being developed in all aspects. Numerous solutions were being discovered for any current day problems of humans, but not for the people having low vision, partially impaired vision, and blind people. In this paper, the authors focused on the research papers that are available on the topic of AI solutions for the visually impair and reviewed the papers. This chapter is different from other review papers, giving the review of more than 30 research papers in one place, which are speaking about the new concepts that would make people's lives easy. The review paper covers the research paper, the technology used, the solutions offered, and their solutions. Some recommendations are also being given based on the limitations found in the different papers.
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Existing Solutions To Help Visually Impaired People

Currently, there are few applications and also few devices which are helping visually impaired people to lead their life like others. But there are certain problems with the available applications and devices. Here are some of the applications and devices that are available:

VisualPal a Mobile App for Object Recognition for the Visually Impaired

It is an application that is helping visually challenged users to recognize/identify objects. This application detects the color, name of the object that is given. Visual pal application uses Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm. This algorithm generally measures the Euclidean distance, if the variation is in range that is acceptable then the application spells the name/color of the image but when error is more than acceptable range then application classifies it as a new object and ask the user to enter the input which difficult for an impaired person. This application works as follows: When a visually impaired person captures an image, this application analyzes, processes the image and then gives a response in speech as output. But this application doesn't support recognition of landmarks, text and it also doesn't support voice input which is important for any application which is used by visually challenged people. Accuracy of this application registered around 71% and user interface is not much acceptable as visually impaired people find it difficult to use it. This application can be successful when it adds advanced technology and it should be cost effectively and user friendly (Bagwan & Sankpal, 2015).

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