Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) and Metaverse Technology for Brain Health, Mental Health, and Wellbeing

Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) and Metaverse Technology for Brain Health, Mental Health, and Wellbeing

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8913-0.ch019
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Artificial intelligence (AI) analyses real-time human-machine and machine-machine data flows. AIoT—artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and mental health well-being—is the digital age's main need. AI and data from connected sensors and actuators reduce latency, increase privacy, and provide real-time edge intelligence, helping the Metaverse technology support mental health for certain age groups and patients. Metaverse technology can boost brain and mental health. Metaverse technology and brain health are covered in this chapter. Metaverse technology can improve mental health virtual reality research, the chapter says. The chapter examines metaverse technology's ethical and social effects on mental health. This chapter examines how AIoT with metaverse can improve mental healthcare using virtual reality and other methods, focusing on brain and mental healthcare technologies, prospective applications, and related research. This research will provide AIoT-enabled brain and mental healthcare standards policy options which may be adopted in future.
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Everything began with the ‘read-only' internet Web 1.0. It was succeeded by Web 2.0, which was an additional collaborative version in which the client could transmit data to the web servers. Formerly came social media, and then virtual reality/augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality. Metaverse, is being billed as future technology Web 3.0, is the result of the confluence of all of these technological developments (Kim, 2021).

The metaverse technology is a term used to describe the next generation of the internet, where virtual worlds and augmented reality merge with the physical world. The concept of the metaverse was popularized by science fiction literature and movies, such as “Snow Crash” by Neal Stephenson and “The Matrix” by the Wachowskis. However, in recent years, the metaverse has become a reality with the advance of virtual and augmented reality technologies (Usmani et al., 2022).

Mental health disorders are a growing concern worldwide, with depression and anxiety being the most common mental health disorders. Traditional Mental Health wellbeing involves face-to-face interactions between therapists and patients. However, this approach has its limitations, such as the need for physical presence and a lack of flexibility. Virtual reality technology has been used for Mental Health wellbeing, and research has shown promising results. The metaverse technology can take usage of virtual reality in the Mental Health wellbeing to the next level.

The utilization of advanced technologies and modifications in communication between devices and users through the Metaverse holds promise in resolving issues across various domains. This research paper offers a comprehensive study on the importance of the Metaverse in the health sector. Specifically, it focuses on features of the Metaverse that can fully realize its potential in addressing healthcare issues. The key contributions of this article can be brief as following:

  • 1)

    It outlines the rationale for adopting the Metaverse in mental healthcare.

  • 2)

    It examines the essential technologies for healthcare and those that enable the Metaverse for healthcare purposes.

  • 3)

    It highlights the existing Metaverse applications that have been utilized to address healthcare issues.

  • 4)

    It explores various studies conducted on healthcare using the Metaverse.

  • 5)

    It identifies potential challenges and concerns that may arise when integrating Metaverse in healthcare and proposes upcoming answers.

Continuing portions of the paper are organized in the succeeding mode: In Section II, discuss the related work that was done to examine the many strategies that have been recommended in the research for healthcare assisting technologies of metaverse. In Section III, represent the qualifying Metaverse technologies for the Mental Health wellbeing. In Section IV, define the exist problems in metaverse technology and the proposed methods are described to mental health. While the findings and accompanying discussion are covered in Section V, the overall findings and implications of the research as concluding remark are presented in Section VI.


The rapid advancements in technology are transforming human lives, and the emergence of the metaverse - a 3D digital space that merges virtual and physical reality - has the potential to revolutionize the internet as we know it. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are integral components of this new virtual ecosystem. The metaverse offers a fully immersive 3D environment that replicates real-world features while allowing for customization to meet individual needs. For over a decade, VR, AR, and MR have been used to diagnose and treat various mental health disorders, with positive outcomes reported. These technologies have been touted as solutions to the scarcity of psychological health specialists and deficiency of accessibility to mental and brain health. However, excessive use of 3-Dimensional games and use of social media by young adults can enhance negative outcomes such as anxiety, depression, insecurity, and addiction. Social media addiction can also impact attention spans and worsen symptoms in individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A review by (Usmani et al., 2022) explores the potential impact of expanding metaverse applications on mental health, an area that has not been explored in prior studies.

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