Artificial Intelligence Models to Prevent Forest Fires

Artificial Intelligence Models to Prevent Forest Fires

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 29
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3896-4.ch005
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The main goal is to appropriately utilize advanced algorithms to analyze environmental data, improve early disease detection and intervention tactics, and reduce the harmful effects of forest fires on human beings. Analyze the challenges faced by traditional methods in addressing the constantly evolving nature of wildfires and the need for more adaptable and proactive approaches, and highlight the advantages of AI. Discusses the main constituents incorporated into the AI model, comprising meteorological data, satellite imagery, and historical fire records. It analyzes the selection of AI algorithms specifically tailored for forest fire prevention, considering parameters. Analyze the challenges faced during the creation and implementation of AI models for forest fire prevention and viability of integrating artificial intelligence models into existing fire management infrastructure and emergency response systems. It showcases the current research, progress, and use of AI-driven solutions to address the challenges posed by wildfires and provides a concise overview of the chapter's findings.
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The increasing frequency and intensity of forest fires worldwide present a significant danger to ecosystems, wildlife, and human societies. Conventional fire prevention approaches, however useful, have inherent limitations in dealing with the dynamic and developing characteristics of wildfires (Shao et al., 2023). The threat of forest fires poses a significant and increasing worldwide problem that requires urgent attention and creative solutions. Wildfires have become global emergencies due to their escalating occurrence and intensity, affecting ecosystems, biodiversity, and human settlements on a widespread scale (Tien Bui et al., 2019). The severe repercussions, encompassing fatalities and irreparable harm to the ecosystem, emphasize the need for promptly confronting this challenging dilemma.

The increase in forest fires can be mostly attributed to climate change, characterized by elevated temperatures, extended periods of drought, and unpredictable weather patterns. Due to global warming, the duration of typical fire seasons is increasing, leading to the spread of wildfires in regions that were previously unaffected (G. Wang et al., 2019). The urgency for proactive solutions has become increasingly crucial since relying just on reactive measures is insufficient to address the magnitude and severity of these wildfires. In addition to posing environmental risks, these wildfires have a ripple effect on the quality of air and water and make a substantial contribution to the production of greenhouse gases (Supriya & Gadekallu, 2023). The economic impact, encompassing expenses related to firefighting as well as the destruction of property and resources, is immense.

Within this scenario, the investigation of proactive solutions becomes crucial, and one promising approach is the use of artificial intelligence1 (AI) models in forest fire prevention tactics. The Earth is currently experiencing a significant and alarming problem with forest fires, which serve as a foreboding metaphor for the planet's fragility (Nebot & Mugica, 2021). The frequency and intensity of wildfires have increased, posing significant threats to ecosystems and testing the resilience of communities globally. The increase in forest fires is not a random occurrence; it is a direct result of human-caused climate change. Elevated temperatures, extended periods of drought, and modified patterns of precipitation converge to form an ideal combination for the initiation and propagation of wildfires (Pettorru et al., 2023).

Amidst this ecological disaster, there is a pressing need for aggressive responses. Despite their bravery, reactive methods are inadequate to address the immense size and unpredictable nature of contemporary wildfires. These flames have transformed into a powerful and significant force in recent years, surpassing geographical limits and presenting serious risks to ecosystems and human settlements (Lin, 2022). The complex interplay between climate change2 as the United Nations, human activities, and natural causes has orchestrated a series of devastating events, highlighting the urgent need for immediate and proactive remedies; the 2000-2020 annual average fire density is demonstrated in Figure 1. The necessity for a paradigm change is not only a scientific and environmental imperative but also a moral obligation (L. Wang et al., 2018). Conventional fire prevention methods, which rely on past data and predictable models, face difficulties in keeping up with the rapidly changing characteristics of contemporary wildfires.

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