Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Assessing Impacts, Challenges, and Recommendations for Achieving Healthcare Independence

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Assessing Impacts, Challenges, and Recommendations for Achieving Healthcare Independence

C. V. Suresh Babu, N. S. Akshayah, P. Maclin Vinola
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9814-9.ch005
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This chapter critically examines the claim that “healthcare independence relies on total dependence on artificial intelligence” in the context of the integration of AI in healthcare. It explores the role of AI in improving diagnostic accuracy, treatment planning, and operational efficiency. However, it also acknowledges the limitations and ethical considerations associated with AI, such as algorithmic biases and patient privacy concerns. The chapter emphasizes the importance of maintaining a patient-centric approach and preserving the human element in healthcare, with AI serving as a supportive tool rather than a replacement for human expertise. Interdisciplinary collaboration is highlighted as crucial in fully harnessing AI's potential in healthcare. Overall, the chapter provides a nuanced perspective on the transformative potential of AI in achieving healthcare independence while acknowledging the need for responsible and ethical AI implementation.
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1. Introduction

The swift advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has generated transformative possibilities across numerous sectors, including healthcare. Supporters argue that AI possesses the potential to bring about a revolutionary transformation in the healthcare sector, enhancing the accuracy of diagnoses, efficacy of treatment planning, operational efficiency, and ultimately leading to better patient outcomes. Amidst these claims, a controversial notion has emerged, suggesting that “Healthcare independence depends entirely on Artificial Intelligence.” According to this assertion, AI technology surpasses its role as a mere supplementary tool and becomes an indispensable element in achieving healthcare independence. In this discussion, we will thoroughly explore the implications and validity of this statement, taking into account factors such as the significance of human expertise, the limitations of AI, ethical considerations, the patient-provider relationship, and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. Through a critical analysis of this assertion, our goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of its relevance in the context of healthcare independence and the integration of AI.

1.1 Background of Healthcare and AI Integration

Incorporating AI into healthcare marks a substantial advancement in contemporary medical procedures. The realm of AI technologies encompasses a variety of sophisticated algorithms, machine learning models, and data analytics that have the capability to analyse extensive medical data and make well-informed decisions 19. This technological prowess extends from medical imaging and diagnostics to drug discovery and precision medicine, showcasing AI's capacity to enhance healthcare methodologies and provide heightened precision and individualization in patient care.

Moreover, AI's ability to rapidly process complex data sets allows healthcare professionals to uncover valuable insights that might otherwise be challenging to identify. By harnessing the power of AI, medical practitioners can make more accurate diagnoses, devise tailored treatment plans, and predict potential health risks for patients, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.

Furthermore, AI's integration into healthcare not only improves clinical practices but also streamlines administrative and operational tasks. Automated workflows and predictive analytics help optimize hospital operations, resource allocation, and patient management, thereby increasing overall efficiency and reducing costs.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The assertion that “Healthcare independence depends entirely on Artificial Intelligence” 20 gives rise to numerous significant questions and obstacles. One of the primary concerns is whether AI can genuinely replace or substantially diminish the role of human expertise in making healthcare decisions. Moreover, it is vital to carefully address the limitations and uncertainties inherent in AI technologies, including interpretability issues and potential biases in algorithms. Ethical considerations concerning patient privacy, consent, and the responsible utilization of AI also emerge as critical focal points.

In addition, it becomes crucial to examine how the patient-provider relationship will evolve in a healthcare environment centred around AI. Striking the right balance between technology-driven care and preserving the human touch is an essential aspect that requires thorough evaluation. Finally, to ensure successful AI integration in healthcare, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration between healthcare professionals and AI experts becomes imperative.

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