Artificial Intelligence-Based Food Calories Estimation Methods in Diet Assessment Research

Artificial Intelligence-Based Food Calories Estimation Methods in Diet Assessment Research

Naimoonisa Begum, Ankur Goyal, Sachin Sharma
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5141-0.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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The standard of healthy intake of food is the necessity for keeping a balanced diet to prevent the obesity problem and many other health problems in humans. Obesity is increasing at an alarming speed and keeping people's health at risk. Mankind needs to have careful control on their daily intake of calories by choosing healthier foods, which will be the most fundamental method in preventing obesity and ill health. Even though the packaging of food comes with calorie and nutrition labels, it might not be very favorable for the reference of people. Thus, the scientists to help people started using AI-based techniques and methodologies to know the ways of determining their daily calorie intake of their food. This chapter proposes a review of various AI-based food calorie estimation methodologies in diet assessment which are suggested to help the normal people and patients so that normal people and doctors could succeed to fight against diet-based health conditions.
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1. Introduction

Increased percentage of fat in the human body leads to a severe condition termed as obesity. Now-a-day obesity is targeting not only adults but also children. There are many reasons why some people have difficulty losing weight. Generally, obesity can be due to inheritance, environment and physiological conditions, diet intake, physical lifestyle. Being Overweight and obese can lead a major factors of risk for certain chronic diseases, diabetes, cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, and cardiovascular diseases. Obese problems in childhood can also lead to adulthood disability or even premature death. Low and middle income countries are mostly deprived of nutrition and can lead to malnutrition. Being overweight or obese are non-communicable diseases, so can be preventable. Regular exercise and consumption of healthy food can help in preventing obesity and health-related issues which develop due to obesity. Through the express progress of social media, mobile networks, and the Internet of Things (IoT), individuals start commonly uploading, sharing, and recording food images ‘recipes’, ‘cookery videos’, and ‘diet diaries’, which is leading to the large-scale centered food dataset (Min et al., 2019). In prior years, the study had been performed on food from distinct aspects, like food choice (Nestle et al., 1998), perception of food (Sørensen et al., 2003) consumption of food (Pauly,1986), safety of food (Chen & Tao, 2001) and culture of food (Harper & Siller, 2015). Statistics obtained from WHO showed that the obesity problem has increased twice since 1975, and the problem of diabetes has almost increased four times since 1980 and blood pressure has increased twice since 1975 (Jung et al., 2021). The abbreviation of BMI is Body Mass Index which is used to find the body fat based on the individual’s height and mass. There are many tools available online to compute the BMI. Table-1 shows the weight status based on BMI of a person according to WHO standard.

Table 1.
Weight-based status on BMI
BMI valueCategories
Less than 18.5Underweight
18.5-24.9Healthy weight
30 and aboveObese

The motive of this chapter is to know the different applications of nutrient science using Artificial Intelligence. Using accurate methods for the measurement of food and calorie intake are essential to fight against obesity. The users or patients can use these methods can utilize these intelligent methods to have knowledge about their calorie intake with nutritional information, hence preventing obesity-related health issues and malnutrition in children.

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