Artificial Intelligence and the Medical Tourism

Artificial Intelligence and the Medical Tourism

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6819-0.ch016
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Tourism impacts people and the environment beyond site-seeing. Healthcare difficulties affect end customers; therefore, this study analyzes medical tourism (MT) employing disruptive technology. The healthcare industry has predicted these changes and demands understanding. Healthcare delivery changes with technology. The IoT functions in MT are examined. Discusses AI in medical diagnosis, decision-making, image analysis, and personalized care. MT technologies such as surgery robots and automation are studied for surgery, therapy, and senior care. A study suggests blockchain technology may improve healthcare data security, interoperability, and patient privacy. Pain management, surgical simulators, and other mental health treatments are featured. Telemedicine, wearables, and smartphone apps assess chronic disease treatment. Addressing future healthcare technology regulatory, data privacy, and ethical issues. Research, teamwork, and strict control are needed to exploit these technologies amidst the enjoyment of using sustainable tourism and its associated benefits.
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Healthcare and technology integration presents a dynamic environment where the effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence1 (AI) emerges as a powerful catalyst for change in the field of medical tourism2,3 (MT) (Rodríguez et al., 2023; Alaziz et al., 2023). The emerging discipline of cross-border healthcare, wherein individuals seek medical services across their national boundaries, recognizes the crucial role of AI in improving patient experiences and outcomes (Yoo et al., 2023). In addition to fostering innovation, AI plays a transformative role in the field of healthcare by fundamentally altering the way healthcare services are delivered. This includes enhancing the processes of diagnoses, treatment planning, and improving the accessibility of patient care. This research investigates the various applications of AI and highlights its potential to significantly transform medical decision-making processes, enhance diagnostic precision, and empower patients on a worldwide scale (Heinz et al., 2023; Fahim et al., 2023). The increasing demand for MT necessitates the integration of AI to ensure the provision of high-quality healthcare services across different geographical locations.

This study investigates the implications of AI-driven medical devices, sensors, and the Internet of Things (IoT) on patient monitoring, safety, and healthcare quality, with a particular focus on the influence of real-time data (Jun et al., 2021). Comprehending these complexities is essential for comprehending how artificial intelligence functions as a catalyst for individualized, patient-centered healthcare (Maulida & Marlina, 2023). The present study aims to examine the profound effects of robotics and automation on surgical procedures, therapeutic interventions, and senior care. Specifically, the focus is on exploring how these technological advancements contribute to improved precision and accelerated recovery periods (Akhavan et al., 2023; Kalinaki et al., 2023). AI offers a comprehensive patient experience, encompassing diagnosis, treatment, and post-treatment care, which is particularly advantageous for individuals seeking efficient medical interventions as medical tourists (Mason et al., 2023).

The significance of blockchain technology4 in the context of MT is subject to critical examination, with particular emphasis placed on its potential to enhance data security, interoperability, and patient privacy. The applications of virtual and augmented reality in the context of pain management and mental health therapies for those seeking medical treatment abroad (Karadayi-Usta & Serdarasan, 2023; Matinkhah et al., 2019). The integration of genomics and precision medicine, facilitated by genome sequencing, presents personalized healthcare solutions that are in line with the objectives of MT, which seeks to provide state-of-the-art therapies (Kusuma et al., 2023). The potential of emerging technologies such as telemedicine, wearables, and mobile health applications is being investigated to improve access to healthcare and effectively manage chronic illnesses (Wright & Zascerinska, 2023).

Figure 1.

Global Medical Tourism Market Size, by year, 2023-2032 (Source: precedence research)

Figure 2.

Global Medical Tourism Market Size per treatment


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