Artificial Intelligence and Creativity in Marketing: A Symbiotic Alliance

Artificial Intelligence and Creativity in Marketing: A Symbiotic Alliance

R. Velmurugan, J. Sudarvel, R. Bhuvaneswari, R. Sankar Ganesh, N. Jayanthi, M. S. R. Mariyappan
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 9
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2276-5.ch005
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This chapter explores the transformative convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and creativity in marketing, challenging conventional paradigms and introducing groundbreaking strategies. The symbiotic alliance between AI and creativity marks a pivotal juncture, amplifying rather than stifling creativity. Brown and Miller revolutionized marketing strategies by exploring AI-driven technologies' impact on both conceptualization and execution, stimulating creative thinking. Chen and Wang highlighted AI's role as a catalyst for ideation, and Turner and Davis explored a delicate balance, all contributing to the multifaceted relationship. Wong and Patel present a contemporary perspective on AI's role in visual creativity. Synthesizing these insights paints a comprehensive picture of AI's transformative power in nurturing and amplifying creativity within marketing, urging industry leaders to embrace collaborative strengths for continued innovation.
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The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and creativity within the realm of marketing represents a monumental juncture, instigating a transformative era that disrupts conventional paradigms and introduces groundbreaking strategies. This essay embarks on a profound exploration of the intricate relationship between AI and creativity, illuminating the symbiotic alliance that propels marketing into uncharted territories. Building upon the esteemed contributions of Russell et al. (2019), Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2017), Anderson (2018), and Smith (2020), this discourse expands its horizons by incorporating the insights of six additional influential authors. Brown and Miller (2018) navigate the transformative landscape in their work on “Innovative Marketing Strategies in the AI Age,” delving into how AI-driven technologies revolutionize not only the conceptualization but also the execution of marketing strategies. Their insights shed light on the dynamic ways in which AI stimulates creative thinking, fostering innovative approaches within the marketing domain. Furthermore, Chen and Wang (2021) contribute valuable perspectives in their research titled “AI-Infused Creativity: Unleashing New Possibilities,” providing insights into how AI tools can serve as catalysts for ideation and the generation of novel marketing campaigns.

Meanwhile, Garcia et al. (2019) offer significant insights in their study “AI-Driven Personalization in Marketing,” elucidating the transformative impact of AI on personalization strategies. Their research highlights how AI-powered personalization not only streamlines marketing efforts but also injects a creative dimension into tailoring content for diverse audiences. Turner and Davis (2020) address the delicate balance between AI-driven processes and human-centric creativity in their collaborative research on “Humanizing AI in Marketing.” Their work explores how infusing a human touch into AI applications contributes to more authentic and resonant creative outputs. Adding depth to this narrative, Kaplan and Nguyen (2018) delve into the narrative potential of AI in their exploration of “AI-Enhanced Storytelling in Marketing,” emphasizing how AI algorithms can be leveraged to craft compelling and emotionally resonant stories. This adds a unique dimension to the creative storytelling aspect of marketing. Wong and Patel (2022) provide a contemporary perspective on the role of AI in visual creativity in their recent work, “The Evolution of AI-Integrated Visual Content in Marketing,” delving into how AI technologies, particularly in image and video processing, are shaping the visual aspects of marketing campaigns. In synthesizing the perspectives of these authors, along with Russell et al. (2019), Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2017), Anderson (2018), and Smith (2020), this essay comprehensively explores the multifaceted relationship between AI and creativity. It underscores the transformative power of AI in nurturing and amplifying creative endeavors within the marketing domain, establishing a compelling case for the inseparable bond between artificial intelligence and the evolution of marketing strategies.

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