Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology for Secure Smart Grid and Power Distribution Automation

Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology for Secure Smart Grid and Power Distribution Automation

Zahira Tabassum, Rashmi Rani Samantaray, Syeda Husna Mohammadi, Anees Fathima
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0659-8.ch009
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A country's growth is gauged with reference to its power consumption and energy use, both of which are fast expanding. Energy consumption management improves energy generation and delivery. The smart grid is a tremendous improvement over the power system of the 20th century, using two-way electrical and communication exchanges to create a sophisticated, distributed, computerized energy delivery network. The fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and block chain distributed ledger technology (BDLT) are the most fascinating areas of study in the field of green energy and related power automation. An in-depth analysis of the most advanced automated planning, governance, optimization, confidentiality, and safety methods for the distribution of power and smart grid using integrated artificial intelligence and block chain is presented in this chapter.
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The smart grid concept was put forth to guarantee effective electricity distribution, maintain minimal losses and high levels of quality, and assure the security of the electrical supply. The rapid advancement of information and communication technology has led to a new paradigm in the usage of the electric power grid and associated operations. A safe control centre platform for state estimation is provided by the cooperative method of block chain, AI, and wireless sensor networks (WSN), which aids in the detection and analysis of erroneous data flow. The evaluation of technology is being seriously impacted by a number of new challenges in the field of Blockchain-AI in a green environment, such as monitoring of uncertainties, optimal flow of power, reconfiguration of network, the commitment of units with security restrictions, as well as govern auto-generation.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology can play significant roles in enhancing the security and efficiency of smart grids and power distribution automation systems.Figure.1 shows the correlation of AI and block chain in smart grids (Moloth,2023). This chapter covers the overview of smart grids, role of AI and block chain in smart grids followed by case study of application of AI and block chain in overall functioning of smart grids.

Figure 1.

AI and blockchain in smart grids


Smart Grid Overview

A smart grid is an advanced electrical grid (Mazhar, 2023) that uses various technologies to optimize the generation, distribution, and consumption of electricity. Figure.2 shows the essential components of a smart grid. Power distribution automation involves the use of technology to monitor and control the distribution of electricity, ensuring efficient and reliable power delivery. Smart meters, intelligent devices, alternative power sources, and energy-saving measures represent few of the operational and energy strategies that a smart grid includes in its electrical system. The smart grid has several advantages over conventional grids, including enhanced power quality, self-repairing, affordability with the incorporation of green energy, flexible production of energy, environmentally conscious functioning, gathering of distributed sources of energy, real-time usage, and monitoring of energy consumption at the customer end.

Figure 2.

Components of smart grid


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