Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Powered Chatbots for Marketing and Online Shopping

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Powered Chatbots for Marketing and Online Shopping

Mehul Anil Waghambare, Sandeep Prabhu, P. Ashok, N. A.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9576-6.ch002
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The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way we connect, communicate, and collaborate. the crisis rapidly re-shape both the “what” and the “how” of companies. Businesses now move to doing business online, that involves selling of products, generating leads and connecting with customers. The chatbot, a software application designed for human-like conversations, emerged as a trend that is helping to close the social distance gap between customers and businesses. Many business have incorporated the tool in their communication strategy, this paper aims to understand to what extent, tries to put-forward an understanding of chatbots marketing and the use of chatbots in online shopping process. Furthermore, the paper tries to speaks extensively about the design in such a way that it will peak its performance for user acquisition.
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