Are Teaching Practices Suitable for Classes of Six-Year-Old Children?

Are Teaching Practices Suitable for Classes of Six-Year-Old Children?

Gisela Wajskop
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9953-3.ch009
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The present study is the result of an investigation carried out for eight months, from March to October 2006, comprises Grade 1 classes at the São Paulo Public Education System, Brazil. Forty teacher students performing literacy activities during their pre-service activities simultaneously conducted this action research in 40 Grade 1. Six-year-old children were moved from preschool education to elementary schools since 2006 in order to respect the legal determinations defined by the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (Brasil, 1996), which expanded basic education from 8 to 9 years. Such democratic governmental action, however, has raised issues concerning the way very young children are taught in a typically school-like context. From this perspective, our study enables us to raise sociocultural problems regarding the non-inclusive pedagogical practices in use. Results show non-inclusive pedagogical practices, as well some paths to change this educational setting.
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Many studies have been conducted since the changes in the legislation and have also contributed to understand the impact of nine years of primary education on educational policies as well as the organization of the schools. Brazilian researchers as well as the author have no doubt (Neves, Kalish, Lauretti, Bahiana & Salvetti, 2015; Arelaro, Jacomini & Klein, 2011; Kramer, 2006;) that this policy is important to improve democratization in the Brazilian education system but the way it was implemented seems to negatively impact children's learning as well as their development.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Childhood Education: Refers to educational and care programs and strategies towards children from birth to five and it is, often, focused on play-based learning.

9 Years Primary School: Correspond of the Whole Fundamental Education System that is mandatory for all Brazilian children from 6 to 14.

Diversity: Refers to the range of children differences that include gender, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, religion and socio-economic status.

Teaching Strategies: Refer to teachers' methods used to help students learn using all their potentials.

Brazilian Primary Schools Education: Refers to the first 5 years of the Fundamental Education that is mandatory for children ages 6–10. The current “First Year” corresponds to the former Pre-School and aims to achieve literacy.

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