Approaches to Conservation of Gastronomic Heritage in the Process of Industry 4.0 and Climate Change

Approaches to Conservation of Gastronomic Heritage in the Process of Industry 4.0 and Climate Change

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1814-0.ch007
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This study discusses the concept of gastronomic heritage, Industry 4.0, and climate change. Technological developments have both positive and negative effects on gastronomic heritage. Climate change can have significant impacts on gastronomic heritage, affecting the availability of traditional foods and ingredients and the ability to continue traditional farming and culinary practices. The study recommends implementing strategies to conserve gastronomic heritage in the face of climate change. The use of technology is also playing an increasingly important role in the conservation of gastronomic heritage, including the use of digital platforms to document and preserve traditional recipes and techniques, as well as the use of data analysis and machine learning to identify patterns and trends in traditional culinary practices.
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The concept of gastronomic heritage refers to the traditional foods, recipes, and culinary practices that are unique to a specific culture or region. With the advent of Industry 4.0 and the increasing impact of climate change, the conservation of gastronomic heritage is becoming an increasingly important issue.

The preservation of gastronomic heritage can be considered as a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive approach. The effects of technological developments on gastronomic heritage are known. Considering these potential effects; It is very important to develop strategies that will ensure that traditional dishes, recipes and culinary practices are preserved and transferred to future generations. Protecting the cultural heritage of local communities and promoting sustainable and fair food systems are also among the important parameters. At the same time, it requires a balance between preserving the gastronomic heritage and promoting the development of technology, being aware of the potential negative consequences of technological developments.

On the one hand, the concept of Industry 4.0 emerges as a result of technological developments, on the other hand, climate change comes to the fore with its consequences worldwide. The preservation of the gastronomic heritage is also becoming more and more important. When gastronomic heritage is defined as the collective knowledge and practices of a culture or region regarding food and beverage; The effects of the history, traditions and cultural practices of the production, preparation and consumption of food and beverages on this heritage can be better understood. Technological developments, industrialization and climate change; As it poses an increasing threat to traditional cuisine and gastronomic heritage, it becomes even more important to develop approaches to protect this cultural heritage. Fontefrancesco (2023) discussed the importance of gastronomy for sustainability, particularly in the context of traditional agrifood chains in Italy, proposing bottom-up solutions and emphasizing the need for supportive policies to preserve biodiversity and cultural heritage.

Technological developments have had both positive and negative effects on the gastronomic heritage. Technological advances in transportation and refrigeration have made it possible for people to access a wide variety of food and ingredients from all over the world. This has led to a greater appreciation and understanding of different cultures and their culinary traditions.

On the other hand, the industrialization of food production has led to the homogenization of food, with mass production and processed foods replacing many traditional foods and ingredients. It can be expected that technological developments in the future will have the potential to greatly affect the gastronomic heritage in various ways. Advances in agricultural technology such as precision farming, vertical farming and gene editing have the potential to increase crop yields and durability, while at the same time leading to the loss of traditional and local ingredients and flavors in food products. There are also concerns that technology could make food even more homogeneous and disrupt traditional food systems and ways of life. The increasing use of automation and artificial intelligence in food production may lead to the displacement of traditional farmers and the disappearance of traditional farming techniques. October Sunday, the increasing use of food delivery services and meal kits may lead to the decline of traditional restaurants and food markets, which are important places for socialization and community building.

As a result of climate change and technological developments, some food products may undergo genetic changes, and this may cause a change in gastronomic culture. On the other hand, this change can be prevented by using digital platforms and data analysis, traditional recipes, and techniques. This is important for transferring valuable cultural information to future generations and for transferring the values from the past to the present to future generations. Climate change can have a significant impact on gastronomic heritage, both in terms of preserving traditional foods and ingredients and sustaining traditional farming and culinary practices. According to Varol et al. (2023), 21st century's emphasis on sustainability in cities, driven by global warming and resource concerns, has prompted the development of smart cities like Gaziantep, Izmir, Konya, and Copenhagen, employing technology to address urban challenges, improve food production, and implement eco-gastronomy projects for healthier and environmentally-friendly living.

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