Applications of Nanocoatings: Smart and Sustainable Protection

Applications of Nanocoatings: Smart and Sustainable Protection

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 29
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3136-1.ch002
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The application of one material on another, often referred to as the substrate, is what is known as a coating. Their primary purpose is to shield the material from deterioration brought on by external factors. They serve as a conduit between the environment and the substrate. Furthermore, they serve as decorations as well. Nanocoatings are coatings in which the particles are at least one dimension apart and fall between 1 and 1000 nm in size. Because nanocoatings are tougher and harder on the substrate than other conventional coatings, they offer greater wear resistance. In addition, they offer antimicrobial, stain and wrinkle resistance, hydrophobic and hydrophilic qualities, UV protection, and antistatic qualities that affect the substrate material's bulk properties. Additionally, an attempt has been made to compile the different processing methods used in their fabrication.
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Nanotechnology serves as a pivotal catalyst for novel and cutting-edge coating applications, with nanocoatings demonstrating remarkable advancement in recent times. The properties exhibited by the nanomaterials are truly remarkable and extraordinary in nature (Kamal et al., 2023). Thin films, nanostructured coatings, and nanoengineered surfaces find extensive application across diverse industry sectors, exemplifying the transformative potential of nanotechnology in enhancing or perturbing established technological domains, while also fostering the emergence of novel sectors (Jahan, 2023). In case of coating applications, the paramount significance is placed upon the heightened characteristics, novel functionalities, and superior performance of the materials involved. The primary attribute conferred by nanostructured coatings, however, is the provision of safeguarding against various detrimental factors, encompassing but not limited to ice formation, pollutant intrusion, ultraviolet radiations, combustion, elevated temperatures, bacterial colonisation, marine organism adhesion, tactile interactions, and corrosion (Anjum et al., 2023). These factors incur substantial financial losses for the global industry due to maintenance expenses, loss of productivity, and operational downtime, amounting to a hefty amount annually. Furthermore, they also present a considerable public health risk (Caixeta, 2023).

Nanocoatings exhibit notable performance enhancements compared to conventional coatings, while also offering superior cost-effectiveness in the medium- to long-term. The coatings based on nanostructured materials have been found to exhibit enhanced properties in various areas, including anti-microbial activity, prolonged product lifespan, efficient thermal insulation, sustained glossiness, enhanced stability against ultraviolet radiation, effective resistance against dirt and water, efficient moisture absorption, increased hardness, superior corrosion resistance, reliable flame retardancy, improved energy efficiency, self-cleaning capabilities, and improved chemical and mechanical properties (Dhiman et al., 2021; Farag, 2020; Noeiaghaei et al., 2017; Parimalam et al., 2018). Nanocoatings display exceptional compatibility with diverse construction materials, including glass, concrete, sand limestone, and marble, rendering them highly adept at shielding said materials from detrimental environmental factors. Additionally, these nanomaterials effectively serve as corrosion inhibitors for the embedded and reinforced steel (Harilal et al., 2023). Commercially available paints, emulsions and surface coatings possess the capability to generate a low energy interface, resulting in a highly hydro- and oleophobic building surface. This advantageous property aids in extending maintenance intervals and minimising the need for cleaning. Dust-repellent protective paints and photocatalytic coatings are widely recognised as the foremost applications within the construction sector (Yang, 2021). The accumulation of particulate matter on the surfaces of building exteriors presents significant challenges in the realm of building maintenance. The process of cleaning building surfaces typically involves the utilisation of detergents in conjunction with mechanical agitation, such as scrubbing and wiping, as well as the application of high-pressure water jets (Fakhri & shahryari, 2021). These processes exhibit various limitations including the utilisation of chemical detergents, substantial energy consumption, and elevated labour expenses. This inevitably gives rise to elevated maintenance expenditures; hence, the pursuit of an efficient self-cleansing coating becomes imperative (Amor et al., 2022).

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