Applications of Information Systems and Data Security in Marketing Management

Applications of Information Systems and Data Security in Marketing Management

Arshi Naim, Hamed Alqahtani, M. Anandhavalli Muniasamy, Syeda Meraj Bilfaqih, Ruheena Mahveen, Reshma Mahjabeen
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6581-3.ch003
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This chapter is an extended research work showing the role of applications of Information Systems (IS) and importance of data security in Marketing Management. This research focuses on the application of Decision Support Systems (DSS) models of what-if analysis (WIA) for customer relationship management (CRM) at Analysis, Operational and Directional (AOD) level and also shows the dependence on the Information Success model (ISM). The second part of the chapter shows the role of data security in the growth of marketing for the companies. Hypothetical data are analyzed for (AOD) by three types of (WIA) to attain CRM and profit maximization. The results show that the analytical method based on the concepts of DSS can be used by all customer-oriented firms as a general model for achieving CRM and data security is a key to success for all firms.
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Customer relationship management (CRM) (Raab et al., 2016) is the branch of management that gives the scope of operational demonstration of relationship marketing and explains the characteristics of a customer, criterion and features for developing relationship between customers and firms, achieving customer loyalty and way of customers' retention, firms, therefore, apply CRM to explore prospects for their products and services, understand customer's requirements and their expectation for quality (Raab et al., 2016) (Peppers & Rogers, 2004). CRM is particularly regarded as the firm’s efforts to develop and retain customers through increased satisfaction and loyalty. DSS-based CRM systems have been applied in many business areas, and R&D is continuing to contribute to its expansion (Naim et al., 2021).

Marketing management is a process of controlling the marketing aspects, setting the goals of a company, organizing the plans step by step, taking decisions for the firm, and executing them to get the maximum turn over by meeting the consumers' demands.

There are four types of marketing mix also termed as four Ps of marketing. The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion. They are an example of a “marketing mix,” or the combined tools and methodologies used by marketers to achieve their marketing objectives (Chan & Ip, 2011).

Marketing management is especially important for smaller businesses because it gives them a level footing to compete with larger players in the field. Thorough customer research, creative campaigns and marketing strategies and positive branding can go a long way in providing a brand with an edge over its competition (Grover et al., 2018).

Marketing Management has the responsibility to perform many functions in the field of marketing such as planning, organizing, directing, motivating, coordinating and controlling. All these function aim to achieve the marketing goals.

IS application is a collection of interrelated elements that work collaboratively to convert data into information that is used to support various organizations activities including control, planning, forecasting, decision making, coordination, and operational activities (Grover et al., 2018) (Naim, 2022a) and DSS is one of its important application that helps in the above tasks and besides, DSS can help organization's employees and managers in visualizing complex subjects, create new products, and problems analysis. Nowadays IS applications in the business area can be categorized into different types such as support of business operations or support of managerial decision making (Naim, 2022a). Any ideal organization applies six major applications of IS such as Transaction Processing System (TPS), Office Automation System (OAS), Knowledge Work System (KWS), Management Information System (MIS), Executive Support System (ESS), Decision Support System (DSS) (Naim, 2021) (Filip, 2020) (Palmatier & Martin, 2019). Figure 1 shows the types and basic information about the IS applications.

Figure 1.

Types of IS Applications (Palmatier & Martin, 2019)

Figure 2.

DSS(WIA) supporting the decisions (Putra et al., 2020)


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