Applications of Hand Gesture Recognition

Applications of Hand Gesture Recognition

Hitesh Kumar Sharma, Tanupriya Choudhury
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9434-6.ch010
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Hand gestures, as the name suggests, are different gestures made by the use of hands. Historically, hand gestures have been created to communicate with people who were unable to speak, but as new technologies have emerged, hand gestures have been used widely in different fields such as medicine, defense, IT industry. Hand gestures are being used to create TVs without remotes. Face recognition is also used to verify the user and to change channels, increase/decrease volume. To switch on or off the lights in the house, hand gesture recognition devices are being developed. Hand gesture recognition (HGR) is a natural kind of human-machine interaction that has been used in a variety of settings. In this chapter, the authors have described the application of HGR in various sectors. They have also explained the tools and techniques used for HGR.
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Feature-Based Techniques For Hand Gesture Recognition

The Data received is always the raw data or the messy data and to change this raw data into structured data, one has to do Data Cleaning so that ML model can work properly and to do this Feature engineering came into picture which helps in Data Cleaning (T. Mantecón et al., 2016). Feature Engineering is essential and Labour intensive component of ML applications. Most ML performances completely depends on representation of Feature vector.

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