Applications of Data Security and Blockchain in Smart City Identity Management

Applications of Data Security and Blockchain in Smart City Identity Management

Amit Verma, Anushi Singh, Puneet Sethi, Vipin Jain, Chanchal Chawla, Akshay Bhargava, Ankur Gupta
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6408-3.ch009
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Applications of blockchain might be related to healthcare and commercial sector. Need of such application is growing in smart cities. It has been observed that its implication are quite complex. The goal of the blockchain technology is to make it possible to store and distribute digital data without the risk of it being altered in transit. A blockchain provides the basis for immutable ledgers or transaction records that cannot be edited, erased, or destroyed. The term “blockchain” is often used to refer to DLT. Hashing is a sophisticated procedure that cannot be modified or reversed. When it comes to data security, it's all about safeguarding your information against unwanted access and corruption at every stage of its lifespan. Encryption, hashing, tokenization, and key management methods are all part of the data security process. The term “identity and access management” refers to all of the methods and technologies used inside a business to identify, authenticate, and authorize users to access services and systems within that business or other associated businesses.
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Blockchain technology aims to store and distribute digital data without alteration in transit. A blockchain creates immutable ledgers that cannot be changed, erased, or destroyed. Blockchain are also called DLT. Identity and access management refers to any methods and technologies used inside a corporation to identify, authenticate, and approve access to services or systems. Due of its immutability, distributed ledgers shouldn't contain personal data. Using a distributed ledger for identity management is crucial (Zhu & Badr, 2018).

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