Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Geospatial Data

Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Geospatial Data

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7319-1.ch010
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With rapid development in new technologies our intelligence and expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) have increased significantly. Intelligent machines are preferred, which motivates us to incorporate highly sophisticated technologies. Geographic analysis for environmental applications has advanced recently, owing to the vast explosion of geospatial data, the accessibility of powerful computing resources, and advancement in AI. Geospatial analytics at a high-resolution scale is now possible because AI reshapes our research environment. High-resolution satellite imaginaries used in geospatial analysis always include bigdata; thus, alternative methods other than traditional data-processing applications are needed to deal with these large datasets. AI has become an alternative method to handle big data in recent decades. Geospatial information from high-resolution remote sensing and other environmental sensors generates enormous data. AI makes the process more effective and makes it possible to derive deep understandings and information from the data.
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2. Artificial Intelligence

Since the advent of the digital computer in the 1940s, it has been shown that computers can be instructed to perform incredibly complicated jobs, such as discovering proofs for mathematical theorems or playing go and chess, with immense ability. Artificial intelligence mentions to the intellect exhibited by a system made by humans.

According to (Copeland, 2022)

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer, or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that humans usually do because they require human intelligence and discernment. Although no AIs can perform the wide variety of tasks an ordinary human, some AIs can match humans in specific tasks.

AI is the capacity of a digital computer or computer-controlled devices, such as robots, to carry out activities closely correlated with intelligent entities. The phrase is widely used in reference to the effort to create artificial intelligence systems that exhibit human-like cognitive abilities, including the potential for reasoning, meaning-finding, generalization, and experience-based learning.

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