Applications of AI and Deep Learning in Biomedicine and Healthcare

Applications of AI and Deep Learning in Biomedicine and Healthcare

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 32
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2426-4.ch006
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The rapid development in the field of medicine and healthcare in the recent years initiated as a large volumes of data are gathered. Taking this advancement, there is a requirement of the process and system needs both technological and analysis methods are to be used to deal with these data. The data which are gathered is health data which are accumulated electronically on the basis of patients' readings, texts, speeches or images as per convenience. The study of models that computer systems use to self-learn instructions based on the weight of parameters without being given explicit instructions is clearly one way to achieve artificial intelligence (AI). Over the past ten years, there has been a noticeable increase in the optimisation of machine learning algorithms and tools in tandem with advances in biomedicine. One of the more intriguing tools of these algorithms that is becoming increasingly important is deep learning. It's an artificial neural network that uses computer design to create multi-layered models that learn several degrees of abstraction from data representations. Deep learning is receiving a lot of attention these days since a lot of research indicates that it may be superior to earlier algorithms that relied just on machine learning and that its results have greater predictive performance. Deep learning has special and broad applications in health informatics and biomedicine, given its many levels of representation and outcomes that outperform human accuracy. In particular, these fall under the umbrella of molecular diagnostics, which includes the interpretation of experimental data involving gene splicing and DNA sequencing, protein structure prediction and classification, biomedical imaging, pharmacogenomics and pathogenic variant identification, drug discovery, and more. This chapter's only goal is to showcase these applications and go into further detail about how they are helping to advance healthcare and medicine in the contemporary world. Deep learning algorithms have enhanced capabilities for identifying patterns and obtaining features from intricate datasets. This chapter will first introduce deep learning and the latest advancements in artificial neural networks. It will then go over its applications in the healthcare industry and, lastly, how they are being used in biomedical informatics and computational biology-related public health research. Furthermore, the applicability of deep learning algorithms would be emphasised from the standpoint of contemporary healthcare.
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Deep Learning And Its Use In Medicine

Medicine and biology are becoming more and more data-intensive fields. These data's bulk and complexity offer new possibilities as well as difficulties. In privacy-sensitive settings, automated algorithms that identify significant patterns may produce knowledge that is useful and transform the way we classify patients, create treatments, and research diseases.

The phrase “deep learning” now refers to a group of novel methods that collectively have shown revolutionary improvements over state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms in a number of domains. For instance, because of their great accuracy and versatility, these techniques have transformed speech recognition and image categorization over the last five years. Deep learning algorithms have recently showed promise in a variety of domains, including dermatology, computational chemistry, high-energy physics, and written language translation.(Jain,1996) These algorithms' “off-the-shelf” implementations have yielded accuracy that is on par with or better than that of earlier best-in-class techniques that needed years of intensive customisation, and specialised versions are currently in use at industrial sizes.

Numerous functions of deep learning are similar to those of other well-known ML(machine learning) techniques. Deep learning techniques may be utilised as a type of clustering in both supervised and unsupervised, or “exploratory,” applications. In applications which are supervised, the goal is to predict accurately many labels associated with individual data point.(Pour, 2017) It is possible for deep learning techniques to combine both of these phases. Specifically, these techniques generate features specific to a given problem and combine them into a prediction once sufficient labelled data are available. Similarly, one may consider a single-layer neural network with continuous outputs to be analogous to linear regression. Hence, supervised deep learning approaches can be regarded of as a more flexible form of regression models, particularly when it comes to mimicking nonlinear correlations between the input characteristics.(Norgeot,2019) These deep learning approaches are now superior to traditional machine learning methods for a wide range of problems thanks to recent advancements in hardware and massive training datasets.

The recent boom in this field of study is made possible by several significant advancements. The field's methods are now accessible to a larger population of computational scientists thanks to user-friendly software packages. Moreover, additional methods for quick training have made it possible to use them with bigger datasets. Networks become more resilient when nodes, edges, and layers drop out, even when there are a lot of parameters.(Mamoshina,2016) Lastly, the larger datasets that are currently accessible are enough for fitting the wide range of deep neural network parameters. Deep learning is very adaptive and can manage the small fluctuations of each domain to which it is applied because these parameters are currently convergent.

Updated research related to biomedical field is covered in this chapter, and the most effective applications choose neural network designs that are appropriate for the given task. In figure 1, we illustrate a few basic example architectures. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can emphasise local correlations in data that have a natural adjacency pattern. This is especially helpful if in the neural network's first stages convolutional layers are used. Because they don't need labels, other neural network topologies like autoencoders are frequently used for unsupervised tasks. A selection of example applications are shown in Table 1, however the neural network architectures have all been applied extensively to a wide range of biological data sources.(Ching,2018)

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