An Application within the Plan for E-Government: The Workfair Portal

An Application within the Plan for E-Government: The Workfair Portal

Mariagrazia Fugini, Mario Mezzanzanica
Copyright: © 2004 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-259-6.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


This paper presents the development of services to citizens and enterprises offered by the Italian Public Administration in order to improve the relationship between governmental organizations and the world of citizens and of enterprises. The application is framed the Italian National for E-Government. In particular, the paper illustrates the project aimed at developing a PORTAL for Services to Employment launched and managed by the Regional Agency for Employment of Regione Lombardia within the Italian e-government plan. Regione Lombardia, a Local Public Administration of Northern Italy around Milan administering about 10 millions citizens, has delegated its Agency for Employment in the development of the PORTAL to support the work emarketplace in the regional area. The purpose is to create a virtual electronic market providing active support to job policies, through a reasoned matching process involving job requests and offers, on the basis also of statistical data on the employment market trends, also stored in the PORTAL Information System. Active support is provided as a set of web services managed by the Regional Agency for Employment and communicating with local PAs (Provinces, Municipalities, educational and training organizations), with national institutions (Ministries and Agencies for Social Security and Retirement), and with private agencies and companies operating in the work marketplace.

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