Application of Virtual Reality in Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Road Ahead

Application of Virtual Reality in Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Road Ahead

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8371-5.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
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Virtual reality (VR) is defined as a simulation of the real world using computer graphics. The basic components of a VR application or program are interaction and immersion. Human-computer interaction is achieved through multiple sensory channels that allow individuals to explore virtual environments through senses. Immersion is considered the degree to which the individual feels engrossed or enveloped within the virtual environment. Scope of virtual reality is quite wide and varied, including technology, industry, education, and health. In the health sector, it has a significant role in assessment as well as intervention. Specific to human behavior and cognition, virtual reality's (VR) application is for cognitive assessment and rehabilitation. VR offers the potential to develop human testing and training environments that allow for the precise control of complex stimulus presentations in which human cognitive and functional performance can be accurately assessed and rehabilitated.
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Scope of VR is quite wide and varied, ranging from technology, industry, education, health, and many more. In health sector, it has significant role in assessment as well as intervention (Duarte,2020; Koning, 2009). VR consists of an interactive and virtual environment the individual can interact with, created by computer graphics and with different degrees of immersive sensations (Wohlgenannt, 2020). VR can offer almost real experience and ecological demands of the actual world; by creating virtual experience of arranging things, crossing roads, cooking, purchasing things and also classroom situations (Stanton,1998). These real life-like experiences enhance functionality as well as improve cognitive ability. VR experiences not only enhance brain plasticity, but also engage the client emotionally to the situation. Indeed, VR allows a sense of wellbeing, due to the stimulation of multiple perceptual channels, implemented by the use of auditory and visual feedback, which stimulate the patient’s awareness of his performance. The overall VR experiences allow to enhance motivation, compliance to the program, and treatment effect. Finally, it can also be customized according the client’s need.

While the use of VR in health sector are vivid, its scope of use in Psychological health and wellbeing is increasing. As psychological assessments as well as interventions primarily depend on active interaction between therapist and the client, VR adds an edge to these interactions making the process more effective. In addition to conventional psychological interventions for which VR has been used, e.g. for phobia or posttraumatic stress, it has wide scope for use in cognitive rehabilitation too (Elbogen,2019). There is a growing body of literature which suggests application of VR in cognitive assessment and rehabilitation specific to human behavior and cognition is becoming wider (Lim, 2020). VR provides the opportunity to assess the human behavior as accurate as possible by precise testing and controlled training. Further, it allows to improve the cognitive and functional performance, by intervention and rehabilitation (Jin;2020 ; Chua,2019).

In this background the current chapter will focus and try to address following issues:

  • Virtual Reality and its connection with Cognitive rehabilitation

  • Its application in improving cognitive impairment in different neurological and mental health problems

  • Virtual reality based cognitive training programs and packages

  • How the program can be made more realistic and applicable to everyday functioning

  • The outcomes and limitations

  • Future plans and implications

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