Application of Strategic Human Resource Management Models for Organizational Performance

Application of Strategic Human Resource Management Models for Organizational Performance

N. Geethanjali, K. M. Ashifa, Avantika Raina, Jayashree Patil, Rameshwaran Byloppilly, S. Suman Rajest
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2193-5.ch001
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Modern organizational management must include strategic human resource management (SHRM). It is an improvement over the conventional human resources management methods, mostly concerned with operations and connections with employees. Contrarily, SHRM recognizes that workers are one of a company's most significant assets and works to match HR practices with those aims and objectives. This method strongly emphasizes long-term planning, proactive decision-making, and a close connection between HR strategies and overarching corporate plans. Strategic human resource management includes all those activities affecting the behavior of individuals in their efforts to formulate and implement the strategic needs of the business. It is the pattern of planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable the firm to achieve its goals.
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1. Introduction

Food waste has become a pervasive and urgent global issue, with far-reaching implications for Guest in 1997 asserts that SHRM should externally align HR practices with business goals that correspond to the organization’s stage of development, organizational dynamics, and features and internally align as Strategic relationship connecting the external context and HR (Abu-Rumman, 2021). The potential to connect internal practices to the characteristics of the external market. Best practices that other organizations use as a standard (Abu-Rumman and Qawasmeh, 2021). Gestalt to use the appropriate methods in concurrence. Combinations of powerful complementary techniques (Al Shraah et al., 2022).

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