Application of Sensors for Smart Farming

Application of Sensors for Smart Farming

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2069-3.ch002
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This chapter delves into the pivotal role of smart sensors in revolutionizing agriculture through smart farming practices. It begins by defining smart farming and elucidating the significance of smart sensors in this domain. An overview of smart sensors, including their types, functions, advantages, and limitations, is presented. The chapter elaborates on the multifaceted roles of smart sensors in smart farming, encompassing environmental monitoring, precision irrigation, water management, and crop health surveillance. It emphasizes sensor applications such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, light, water level, flow, and disease detection sensors. Furthermore, it explores the integration of smart sensors into farming systems, highlighting sensor networks, communication technologies, data collection, analysis, and automation for decision support systems. Case studies illustrate successful implementations of smart sensors in crop production, livestock farming, and greenhouse agriculture.
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2. Chapter Objectives And Purpose

2.1 Introduce the Concept

The chapter endeavors to provide a comprehensive and accessible understanding of the central concepts discussed within its purview. It will commence by precisely defining key terms, theories. This chapter delves into the pivotal role of smart sensors in revolutionizing agriculture through smart farming practices. It begins by defining smart farming and elucidating the significance of smart sensors in this domain. An overview of smart sensors, including their types, functions, advantages, and limitations, is presented. The chapter elaborates on the multifaceted roles of smart sensors in smart farming, encompassing environmental monitoring, precision irrigation, water management, and crop health surveillance. It emphasizes sensor applications such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, light, water level, flow, and disease detection sensors. Furthermore, it explores the integration of smart sensors into farming systems, highlighting sensor networks, communication technologies, data collection, analysis, and automation for decision support systemsand methodologies associated with the topic. This introductory section aims to ensure that readers, regardless of their familiarity with the subject, have a clear and foundational understanding.

2.2 Highlight the Importance

Emphasizing the relevance and significance of the subject matter is pivotal in setting the context. This section will underscore the intrinsic value and relevance of the discussed topic in the realm of marketing. It will elucidate how adopting these strategies can profoundly impact businesses, outlining the specific advantages and benefits they offer.

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